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Subject: Re: Practical Implement choices

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Date Posted: 10:36:09 01/08/25 Wed
In reply to: Katherine Peters (UK) 's message, "Practical Implement choices" on 15:38:26 01/07/25 Tue

Hi again Katherine

I have many friends in the UK and know that spanking is not flavour of the month. However it still goes on almost underground and I don't think that's always good.

As mentioned myself and my husband use the slipper it's 'a very flexible gym shoe' on our two boys bottoms we do not make them take their pants down. However if they commit an offence say in their pyjamas than that's where they get as you can appreciate bedtime is never a problem.

We always try and administer the slipper at the time of the offence whoever is there myself or husband will administer it.

On a lighter side the mostly a mention of the slipper or my hushand's favourite saying "Does your bottom needs warming ?"
often avoids a slipper altogether.

>Hello everyone,
>I recently found this forum and am finding it very
>helpful and informative. I thought I would ask for the
>thoughts/poll of the community here. I live in the UK
>with my husband and two girls- given then usual
>division of dmoestic labour, as most mums will no
>doubt know, means while he often is away for work,
>even when he is back most of the parenting and
>parenting decisions fall to me. Now, as I am here I am
>obviously an advocate of a smacked bottom- as we say
>in England- or specifically here, the application of
>one of my husbands retired slippers to the relevant
>bare bottom. The UK appears to have become one of the
>more disapproving countries, as far as I can tell,
>when it comes to our old tradition of a smacked bottom
>to encourage 'minding mum'- as a result I find the
>slipper a practical selection, as it will rapidly and
>to a satisfying degree redden a naughty bum and impart
>a sharply stinging lesson- but will not leave bruises
>or lasting damage in any way, which is important given
>embarrassing questions may be asked, rather than the
>historic no comments or tacit (or even clear!)
>I thought I would ask whether any other members have
>had to or indeed do, make such careful judgements
>regarding delivering a stinging and reddening lesson,
>or whether they have any recommendations for similar.
>Also, I would like the widespread sympathy of people
>from less busy-boidy countries- it seems from reading
>that the good old US of A is far less meddlesome when
>it comes to mum deciding what's best and I hope you
>appreciate what you have!

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Subject Author Date
Re: Practical Implement choicesKatherine Peters (UK)11:32:49 01/08/25 Wed

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