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Subject: Re: Fanny Framing and Other Observations

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Date Posted: 07:47:08 01/11/25 Sat
In reply to: Sarah 's message, "Re: Fanny Framing and Other Observations" on 06:47:26 01/11/25 Sat

Hi Sarah,

Thank you also, for the kind words. The loss we suffered was completely unexpected, which I really don't know if that makes it any better or worse, honestly. Even when a loved one has been ill for quite some time and you know their passing is imminent, it's really not anything you can fully prepare for, when the time comes.

I do believe that administering a "good, proper spanking" involves more than just a "snatch and smack" experience, like a knee-jerk reaction to misbehavior. I'm of the opinion that when you take the time to properly prepare the one to be spanked, it makes an impression on them psychologically, which will remain with them long after the sting in the bottom has faded, and mostly forgotten about.

I can appreciate those who follow an established routine. When I was in middle school, I stayed overnight on several occasions with my best friend at the time, Whitney. Whitney's mom was very regimented when it came to administering a spanking, whether it was for Whitney or her older brother, she never deviated. It was almost as if she had a checklist of steps to follow. I suppose she did, mentally.

It only happened twice that Whitney was spanked by her mom while I was visiting, but about 4 times for her brother. Full disclosure, both of the times when Whitney got her bare bottom tanned, I was equally guilty. However, since I was "A Girl of the Unspanked Variety," her mom would phone my mom of what happened, and I would get grounded when I got home. I never told anyone at the time, but I wished that Whitney's mom could have spanked me too, instead of reporting me to my mom. I felt so guilty watching Whitney kick and cry while over her mom's lap, knowing I deserved exactly the same thing but I wasn't going to get it. Also, I assumed that if I got a spanking from her, I would not face a grounding as well. Sorry, I digress.

My husband and I had "The Talk" (Ok, the spanking talk...not that "other" talk!) with Miss Eliza, thank you for asking. We calmly made sure she understood this change in discipline that she would be subject to, just like her brothers. She said she understood and apparently she understands very well, as she has been on her best behavior, for the most part. I will say that as time moves away from the announcement, she seems to be less "angelic" shall we say, and that pre-teenage girl attitude is showing up more and more. She has not done any one, single thing that would warrant an actual spanking IMO, but it could be that the combination of several instances of sassy attitude, could open the door to her first, ever, spanking. I will NEVER spank one of my children for no good reason, but if there is justification, I will not hesitate. Assuming she will likely cross that line one day, I will share the experience here on the forum.

It's probably the way I was raised myself without being subject to getting spanked - as was true for my sister as well - but for our brothers, it just seemed like a natural way of life for them to get their bare behinds soundly spanked on occasion, which instilled in me a belief that spankings were a punishment for boys, but not for girls. That said, I'd be lying if I said I don't have ambivalent feelings about spanking Eliza, assuming we come to that eventually. OTOH, I'm also a little curious about how she will react to it.

I don't plan on spanking Eliza any differently than I do her brothers - bare behind, over my lap, with hand and paddle. The one thing I'm still rather conflicted about, is her modesty. I've never kept her from witnessing her brother's spankings - but again - she is a girl, not a boy, and I just struggle with the thought of her brothers seeing her with her pants and panties down. This seems to be a societal thing, regardless of age. When I belonged to this one gym, it had showers for all members. In the women's showers, there were individual shower stalls that provided privacy. My husband, a member of the same gym, said the men's showers were essentially a large, single, open room with showerheads all around the perimeter, no privacy whatsoever. He didn't seem bothered about it, but I think I would have been mortified to have showered in front of the other lady members. What are your thoughts on Eliza's modesty?

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Re: Fanny Framing and Other ObservationsSarah to Madison08:36:50 01/11/25 Sat

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