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Date Posted: 2023-04-02 03:57:56
Author: Susan
Subject: Re: How often do you walk barefoot?
In reply to: Jiuk23 's message, "Re: How often do you walk barefoot?" on 2023-03-31 16:32:27

>It's really impressive that they can walk barefoot in
>5 degree weather, I don't know if I could do it myself.

I told them they're tougher than me in that regard and that gets a giggle out of them ... I guess it takes a high level of activity and some time to get used to it, and then some are bothered more by the cold than others.
Anyway last christmas I gave them all wool legwarmers that they love to wear when it's a little colder, allows them to keep warm ankles while keeping their feet naked, bare and free.
Today is a warm spring day, we were all barefoot in the park and a few kids from the neighbourhood were inspired to do likewise! I advised my kids not to make too much fun of "warm weather barefooters"; after all everybody has their own limits.

>By the way, do they also practice sports barefoot?
>I imagine they must be much more comfortable barefoot.

They love running around, climbing trees, throwing balls and frisbees, using all the installations at the playground, they haven't enrolled in a regular sports training program yet and I guess they're moving enough as it is.
Ah and I have just read about barefoot friendly bicycle pedals. Going to install those, looks like fun, at least after a bit of instruction (of course it's essential to keep your feet on the pedals).
Some parents are so worried that their kids might get hurt but I'm confident when I see them play and evade anything that would hurt them.

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