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Date Posted: 2023-08-07 10:49:29
Author: Daniela
Subject: My toddler's progress
In reply to: Steff 's message, "Re: Barefoot children in all seasons?" on 2023-08-07 06:44:31

Yes, every moment with a child is precious and it's so lovely to see her progress in many fields. Learning new words every day, moving more steadily on her little field, getting better balanced and stronger with every day, a healthy, curious and cheerful little girl.
It's true that children mean plenty of work and responsibility for parents, but we are rewarded plentifully and it looks like our particular approach works quite fine in many ways. In particular, seeing a wholesome personality develop who will certainly surprise us with a lot of new ideas.
Today in the city Rita was so full of energy, she might have broken another record at walking. Unencumbered by shoes she just did hundreds of little steps on her little bare soles, occasionally I steered her away from broken glass or other unpleasant things, she's quite swift by now and I can well imagine her following us on longer walks.
I can see her soft little soles getting gradually tougher with the amount she runs around every day now. On the way back she was still happy when I took her on my shoulders where she seemed to enjoy showing off her dirty feet to anyone who would look our way, hehe. Back home I washed, examined and rubbed them, finding no scratch, no thorn or shard in the developing leather of her soles.
Sometimes I see other kids stomping wearily around in their shoes, complaining about how tired they are, and I wonder if it has to do with the shoes they have to wear ...

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