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Date Posted: 2023-08-27 03:48:45
Author: Daniela
Subject: Who gets to decide?

As parents, we sometimes have to take decisions for our children, especially while they are still too young to take those decisions themselves.
I always try to do what's best for her and in her interest, and those decisions should still be looked back upon as "good" from a distance of a few years from now.
My daughter is less than two and in the excitingly interesting phase of learning to articulate herself.
I decided "over her head" not to put shoes on her. Not out of a whim but because there are a lot of good reasons: Better coordination and circulation, stronger and tougher feet and muscles. Ideally she shouldn't even get used to the feeling of having anything on her feet while she learns to walk.
I realize how important tactile input is in the early years. We see, hear, smell and feel the world. To feel it we mostly use our hands and feet if we can. Wearing shoes would be like being blindfolded.
I see a lot of barefoot toddlers in baby prams but as soon as they get up, their parents put shoes on them. That's another decision I took: Wherever my Rita wants to walk, I let her walk barefoot. That includes rocks, gravel, city roads ... Some say she might get hurt but that's why I help her watch out for her, and I'm mostly barefoot too when I walk with her. Sometimes in flipflops as I push the stroller, slipping them off quickly when my girl goes out and goes walking on her own.
At home and in the garden, she will only see bare feet. That's another message, whatever we wear, feet are meant to be free. She will never see bare feet as anything unusual. I love to rub her little feet at home, to feel how her soft padded sole gets gradually, slightly more leathery from daily contact with rough ground, and when we sit on the floor or in the grass playing together she will sometimes explore mine as I wiggle my toes to her, so cute.
Carol wrote how her children are eager to try going barefoot into winter. As for Rita I will just observe her closely and see how she copes with colder temperatures. It would be amazing to see her cope with coldness, frost, ice and snow as easily as she's now dealing with all the surfaces of summer including sun-baked asphalt, but that's certainly nothing I want to force. I'll buy or make her cozy legwarmers keeping her warm from ankles up, and if it should really get too cold for her little toes, maybe get her warm socks only worn outside and never with shoes, yes they will get dirty and eventually wear out but that's still better than squeezing her feet into anything more rigid. I certainly prefer and encourage her to stay all barefoot, and looking at last winter when she enjoyed being carried barefoot in cold winter air, she might actually develop a circulation strong enough to withstand the freezing cold. She will certainly get to try snow as soon as it falls, and we will see how long she can stand it. I don#t want her to risk frostbite so I look for all the signs such as the color of feet and toes. It's not long until she will get to take her own decision when it's best to go barefoot, but until then she should at least have experienced all the different surfaces and temperatures herself.
For now it's still hot summer though, as already mentioned hot tar doesn't bother her, but she certainly prefers moss and grass, even more than carpet inside.

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