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Date Posted: 2023-11-07 19:21:23
Author: Will
Subject: Re: Not owning shoes
In reply to: Anita 's message, "Re: Not owning shoes" on 2023-11-07 04:54:27

Hi Anita,

>It's great to see there are other children actually
>having fun going out barefoot when it's cold. My
>daughter is 11 and my sons are 9 and 13 years old,
>they have spent all their summers barefoot but used to
>wear boots in past winters. How old are your children?
>Cheers from our little family!

Our children are now 22 and 25, but they've remained full-time barefooters into adulthood. My daughter (22) works as a yoga instructor, and my son is a graphic artist. They donated their shoes when they were 10 and 13, and haven't worn footwear of any kind since. They started barefooting at ages 5 and 8, and much like your daughter, being barefoot became part of their identities, to the point where they wanted to fully embrace it and commit to living without shoes at all. My wife and I were concerned at first, but we reasoned that we could always buy them a pair if it became an issue. Twelve years later, it seems our concerns were unfounded. I myself wear the most minimalist dress shoes I can get away with, but when I retire I'm tempted to try and join them if my feet are tough enough.

Cheers from our older family!

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