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Subject: Re: I got my license!

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Date Posted: 17:07:49 02/24/25 Mon
In reply to: Pauline 's message, "Re: I got my license!" on 10:30:56 02/24/25 Mon

Hi Pauline,

It's not a bother at all! I think you pose an interesting question. I didn't really think of my encounter with the wooden spoon as being a mixed message, but I can see how it might look that way.

My mom didn't sit me down for a discussion because we both knew exactly what I had done, and why it was unacceptable. I immediately knew I had overstepped, BUT she knew it hadn't been intentional. My mouth got ahead of my brain. Have you ever said something, and then wished you could stuff the words back inside?

Trust me, if I had said what I did on purpose, I would have been over her knee for a proper lesson, probably with the brush. My real mistake wasn't really choosing to be disrespectful, it was failing to think before I spoke. In this case, my mom felt a warning was enough, but I guess she wanted the warning to be really memorable, so it was a bit, um, enhanced? I'm guessing that was why she decided to actually spank me a little bit, even though it wasn't really a punishment.

Not sure if I mentioned it before, but my mom has occasionally given me a couple swats over my clothes at the same time as a verbal warning. This time felt like that, but just a bit extra. Despite the fact that this handful of swats was delivered bare (it was weird and embarrassing to be bare bottom in the kitchen, of all places, lol) , I really did take it as a stern warning, rather than a weak punishment.

I hope that all made sense?

Thanks for your question.

💙 Debbie

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Re: I got my license!Pauline09:58:39 02/26/25 Wed

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