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Subject: Re: I got the paddling

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Date Posted: 13:15:34 03/08/25 Sat
In reply to: Janice 's message, "Re: I got the paddling" on 19:57:36 03/07/25 Fri

Janice can you share us more spankings you from Mrs. R? Until what age did they continue and was it always the wooden spoon? Looking forward to your replies.

> I'm glad your mom got a good job! But sorry that
>means your Uncle spanks you now. I remember 14 being a
>very embarrassing age to be bare bottom spanked (you
>get it naked?) especially by a man and worse when in
>front of people.
> Must be awful when your Aunt and cousins show up to
>see you get spanked. How old are the kids? They must
>be delighted to see you take all your clothes off and
>watch a BIG girl kicking and crying?
> For me when I was 12/13 I had to stay with the
>lady next door after school for a few hours before mom
>came home. Mrs. R had a boy 10 and girl 11 and they
>were brats.
> About once every two weeks Mrs. R would tell mom I
>misbehaved and mom would spank me in front of her and
>the kids no matter how much I begged mom to take me
>home for my spanking even though at home I'd be
>spanked bare bottom but mom spanked me on my panties
>in front of the neighbors.
> Then one day the kids bothered me to o much and I
>slapped the girl. When mom got there she decided to
>let Mrs R spank me "anyway" she wanted!
> Mrs R said I deserved to be spanked on my bare
>bottom! And she sent the delighted girl to bring her a
>wooden spoon!
> I begged mom to stop her but she said it was my
>own fault for being a bully to a little kid.
> I could hardly stand it when Mrs. R pulled my
>panties down in front of everyone and I squirmed
>squealed and cried like a baby when she spanked me. I
>did a spanking dance until I noticed the boy with BIG
>eyes staring at my naked front.
> I tried to pull my panties up but mom stopped me
>and made me apologize to the girl while I sobbed in
> And that wasn't only the first time Mrs. R spanked
>me :-(
>Does your uncle spank your cousins?
>>Hi, Laura,
>>I am 14 and I am now getting spanked by my Uncle Dan
>>instead of my mom. He is mom’s youngest brother and
>>he is married and lives just down the street and they
>>have two small kids not yet in school, so it easy for
>>him to come over to give me my spankings and he really
>>likes to spank me, which is unlike your stepdad. This
>>has been the way I get spanked now since last
>>September when my mom, who is single, went to work for
>>a big supermarket.
>>See, Mom started giving me two maintenance spankings a
>>week when I was only 10 and my father was still at
>>home with us. He wanted her to spank me a lot and I
>>used to get spanked even more before she began giving
>>me the two a week regular spankings. Like I used to
>>get spanked by mom even 3 or 4 times a week lots of
>>times, but after daddy left and married another girl
>>mom decided to give me the maintenance spankings. So I
>>didn’t mind too much the two a week regular
>>spankings since it meant that all in all I got spanked
>>a lot less.
>>Mom would give me spankings on Wednesdays after supper
>>and on Saturdays after breakfast and like I had to
>>admit they did help me to be good because I have
>>always tried hard not to get extra spankings in
>>Then, this past September when she went to work at the
>>market, she had Uncle Dan, her youngest brother who is
>>only 22, come over and give me my Wednesday after
>>supper spankings and she would still spank me on
>>Saturdays. The thing is that she found that Uncle Dan
>>spanked me really good, a lot longer than she did in
>>fact, and he’d really get me bawling my head off and
>>dancing like crazy when he finally let me up. So she
>>liked that a lot.
>>So then she asked him to come over and spank me on
>>Saturday mornings, too. And mostly my Aunt Terry and
>>their two kids come along with Uncle Dan to watch me
>>get my spanking, and my mother loves to bring coffee
>>and toast into the living room for her and Aunt Terry
>>and they all sit around and watch Uncle Dan spank me
>>really good. And when I tell Mom he spanks me way way
>>too hard and long, she just smiles and says your uncle
>>really knows how to spank a girl your age, Honey!
>>So that is the way I get my spankings now and believe
>>me it is really really embarrassing to have to take
>>off all my clothes in the living room and be all naked
>>in front of everyone, even the little kids who giggle
>>and laugh and love to see me spanked with their
>>Daddy’s hand first and then with my mom’s
>>hairbrush. Darlene

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Subject Author Date
Re: I got the paddlingDarlene to Janice19:21:42 03/10/25 Mon
    Re: I got the paddlingJanice to Darlene01:16:33 03/11/25 Tue
    Re: I got the paddlingJanice O20:46:27 03/11/25 Tue

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