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Subject: about his "alleged" comments

anonymous juror
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Date Posted: 23:06:06 05/27/02 Mon
In reply to: anonymous juror 's message, "Re: To Anonymous Juror.....furthermore....." on 22:51:07 05/27/02 Mon

Fieger did say them. Another juror was giving an interview to the newspaper sending almost back to back with Fieger outside the courthouse and she heard him say what he did. I was still inside the building and she came to get me after her interview so we could go for coffee. Over coffee is when she told me what she heard him say. I was shocked but not appalled. I had a feeling I knew he was directing his comments toward a particular juror or two and did not take the comments personally. I do believe he is protected under free speach, especially since it was after the trial. I do not think it was very dignified, respectful, intelligent or mature of him to make the comments.

Now, about the two jurors I feel his comments were directed at. These jurors (I hear) were toward the last in the group of the jury pool and the judge was really time crunching the lawyers to get the jury finalized and to start the trial. I heard Fieger did not want these two jurors but the prosecutor fought hard for them and Fieger fought it also, but in the end these two jurors were accepted. These two jurors were the most vocal of the bunch of us (ever see 12 Angry Men? that really happens in the jury room). Don't get me wrong, I don't think these two jurors influenced anyone, I think we all pretty much left the courtroom pretty sure with what our verdict would be, and the verdict was what he got. I never second guessed myself on my decision.

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Re: about his "alleged" commentsGina00:47:51 05/28/02 Tue

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