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Subject: **Continues to tend the fire**

Riasa Lafaryl
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Date Posted: 00:09:18 01/20/03 Mon
In reply to: Jask Shell 's message, "*Listening intently to Kilks past.*" on 14:43:04 01/18/03 Sat

**She remains by the fire, feeding slivers of bark into the warm glow of the coals. Glancing up she sees Jask gazing at his weapon and her eyes follow his stare. Looking at the weapon she sees a strange marking on the hilt. A clan mark. So they were clan beasts, all three. She supposed that they would understand where she had come from and why more than most beasts, but for the moment she keeps silent. If they wanted to know, they would ask in time... Casting about for twigs a smile flickers across her features as Jask speaks.**

Aye, that I do. Leave me to this and I'll have a fine fire going to cook upon.

**Getting up she moves about, collecting twigs and smaller branches to add to the fire. There was already a small pile of larger limbs to add once the fire grew, but for now, she needed to coax the flame up. Finding enough, she heads back to the fire and kneels beside it once more. Blowing on the quickly shrivelling bark slivers she coaxes a flame from the glowing coals and quickly begins to build a teepee of dry twigs around it to draw the flames up.**

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**The wolf returns...**Klik Redwolf21:04:02 03/11/03 Tue

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