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Date Posted: 22:46:29 03/17/11 Thu
Author: Linda
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-169-15-44.socal.res.rr.com /
Subject: On Understanding Brian

I had a dream Wednesday night. Brian was wearing his white hat and speaking to me. I couldn't hear him clearly, and he looked frustrated. In the morning I went to work, and as I tried to do my daily tasks these words kept coming into my head. I couldn't keep them away, and they interfered with my concentration, so I wrote them down. This is what they were:



Walk a mile in my shoes.
I fell in love with The Blues.
Pursuing its glory
Has brought me sad news.

It is Business, they say,
Takes my Chosen away.
I’m a Fool and a Bad Boy
For fighting this way!

Walk a mile in my shoes,
They have killed you, my Blues.
I must yield to their Wisdom
Or Careers they will lose!

It is Business, you see.
They throw Garbage at me.
This Fluff will make Money,
With my Blues, it can’t be.

Walk a mile in my shoes.
I am weeping, my Blues.
I’m called Demon and Purist,
Despised and abused.

It is Business, my bane.
Some folks call me insane.
All I touch turns to smoke
While I cry in the rain.

Walk a mile in my shoes.
They’ve abandoned my Blues.
I must cast them aside
Though my life I may lose.

It was Business, the Beast,
Ate my Dreams at the feast
Of my roasted ambitions.
Cared for me? Not the least!

Walk a mile in my shoes,
With my beloved Blues.
Though my battle is lost,
Yield to them? I refuse!

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