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Date Posted: 20:14:20 05/26/14 Mon
Author: Lazlo
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: Clarificat-ed
In reply to: Linda 's message, "Re: Clarification" on 17:46:39 05/26/14 Mon

"Okay, I see where you're coming from now, Lazlo.

Cool, and thanks for replying to me so candidly.

"I honestly don't recall however, that you asked me to send you any links to Seth's posts. Sorry about that but sometimes when answering posts are long and confusing, I tend to forget little details. Not YOU, however! You have EVERY detail down pat!! LOL!!! "

Linda, back when I was a member of Trevor's inner circle, if one of us spoke with or communicated with Trevor, we'd all share what he told us with each other, with his blessing of course! Some of us audio recorded the phone conversations, I didn't have that capability at the time, so I took copious notes of what he told me, so I could later have a reference to share with everyone else. I still have everything he told me. Everything!
We had a private message board for us "insiders", so the ones who audio recorded Trevor's conversations, could transcribe and share with us what he told them. I have everything saved that everyone else shared with me. Everything!
Over time, when going back through my notes and other's posts, the inconsistencies, contradictions,fabrications, and outright lies stuck out like a sore thumb. Mind you it wasn't just one or two little white lies, this guy is so full of shit and making stuff up on the fly, I could no longer support him at all.
Linda, when I tell you I can call Trevor a liar in writing with absolutely no worry of legal reprisal whatsoever because I can back everything up 1,000,000%, and Trevor knows this. Hell, Trevor can't even remember his original lies to even attempt to stay consistent. You saying I have everything down pat is a huge understatement, and it is Trevor's own words that nail himself to the cross, I know, I still have them!
Trevor won't come here because he knows it's better to keep quiet and be thought a liar than to open his mouth and remove all doubt.

"It was quite a while ago that I read Seth's desperate post, and to be honest...I can't find it again either! ACK! All I could find was the post he made in the guest book, and it sounds like you found that too."

Actually, I found his book on Amazon.com, the preview was all I could see as far as contents went. Speaking of Seth's e-book, I do admit it was kinda mean spirited to poke fun at him, but look at the bright side,I think in this case that any publicity is good publicity and my posting of the Amazon link on this board could result in a spike in sales. Just to let you know where I was coming from though, Gloria Sheppard ran us all here up the pole and back when she was shilling for her book, a fiction book. When it was all said and done, her source was even more dubious than Seth's although not by very much.

"Anyway, he sure enough went on about Brian saying he was killed by Tom Keylock (the old shifty-eyed chauffer), Frank Thorogood (which surprised ME), Mick Jagger and Keith Richards in his Guest Book post, which in my opinion is just about all of real importance anyway."

Thanks for passing that on but since you compared Seth's findings with Trevor's, I can tell you that as of October 2009, when I jumped off Trev's bandwagon, Trevor never once made any mention or inference that he had any evidence of Mick and Keith assisting the killing of Brian. M&K were at the studio when they got word of Brian's death, along with Charlie and Bill. They didn't kill him, period.

"Can people who don't have those little eBooklet gadgets download eBooks into their computer and read them? I've never tried that, but I'd sure like to read Seth's Revelation from his psychic friend...true or not, and $25 is a pittance in today's literary world."

Just checked my torrent sites, didn't see anything. A kindle is $69 and Seth's book is $2.99. If you read it I'd love to see you post a review here.

"Forgive me for seeming to "waffle" about the investigation. It seems to be a sore point between us that just shouldn't be. Trevor isn't my source of information anyway, though you seem to think so. I've only asked him to verify my source's information. I'm not whole heartedly believing ANYONE more than another person. I can't tell you who my source is, since I was sworn to secrecy long ago, but I always check out any "information" my informant gives me before believing THAT too. No one's perfect, and few there be who're always completely right. There's always another side."

Understood but I just wanted to let you know that when you go to Trevor with your sources info, there is a great chance that the info that you are checking with Trevor, now becomes part of Trevor's story and then he passes it on as part of his research. Trevor has a history of doing this and if anyone doubts me, I'll be happy to submit the "shaken baby" story which Trevor embarrassed himself in repeating. He cobbles innuendo and other peoples stories true or not so that they become his. Stupid stuff like that really destroyed his credibility, all his lies and BS notwithstanding.

"My source sure doesn't have a complete picture either, goodness knows. Plus, with Old Spice tossing a whole new angle into the deal (Now THAT was a shocker!), my previous conclusions went on the rocks for a while. Not all of her info fit with my source's data, but most of it did...and her view is a valid one...I just didn't come to the same conclusion she did. I hope she's right, it would be great, but I don't think so."

I hear you Linda. I really wish someone competent, credible, and coherent would at the very least, "solve" this thing and just tell us the truth whatever it may be. That leaves Trevor out.

"I don't mean to tout one thing then another Dear. It's just my dawdling old lady brain that can't say what it wants to say! LOL!! It only SEEMS like I'm waffling, but I actually haven't changed how I feel about this whole thing at all since I first started to post here. My only time of wavering was when Old Spice exploded onto the scene with her insider story. "

Fair enough Linda. When I first came here I was a Trevor supporter because on the surface, it seemed like a cool and noble cause. Boy was I wrong, in fact, I'm very embarrassed (and rightly so) that I was taken in and duped by his lies. As you can obviously see (LOL!) I've done a 180 degree turn on that one. I'd rather be right than consistent.

"To finish off...I DO want to keep some secrets, like you keep your name secret

Linda, I used to post here under my real first name all the time until I was one of the first persons impersonated by Paul Spendel (that's another long story) so when there was a new version of this LARS board, I took the Lazlo moniker. No, I'm not from upstate and no, I'm not Hungarian.
I could start posting under my real first name but really, would it really matter to anyone if I signed my posts "Joe" or "Steve"?
Many people here and Trevor and his supporters know my first and last names and if you ever come into the chats we have here on the board, I almost always use my real first name unless I'm being silly. Would you join us in chat sometime?
It doesn't matter to me if your name is really Linda or anything else, it's the content of your posts I'm interested in. I'm not hiding anything and I'm no one important in the Brian Jones/Stones world. I'm just a regular guy with a regular day job, that's it!

One thing I've suspected on this board for a long time is that EVERYONE knows more than they're telling, and I find that VERY intriguing.

You can always join us in chat sometime to discuss thing we wouldn't discuss here on the board if you are interested, drop me an e-mail at the address on top of the board. I used to have your e-mail addy years ago but we changed e-mail addresses of the board a couple years ago and no longer have it.

Love and Hugs.

Back at you Linda, I still love ya!

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