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Date Posted: 17:46:39 05/26/14 Mon
Author: Linda (Rumbles, roars and confusion!)
Author Host/IP: 173-202-113-169.dyn.centurytel.net /
Subject: Re: Clarification
In reply to: Lazlo 's message, "Clarification" on 10:46:50 05/26/14 Mon

Okay, I see where you're coming from now, Lazlo.

I honestly don't recall however, that you asked me to send you any links to Seth's posts. Sorry about that but sometimes when answering posts are long and confusing, I tend to forget little details. Not YOU, however! You have EVERY detail down pat!! LOL!!!

It was quite a while ago that I read Seth's desperate post, and to be honest...I can't find it again either! ACK! All I could find was the post he made in the guest book, and it sounds like you found that too.

Anyway, he sure enough went on about Brian saying he was killed by Tom Keylock (the old shifty-eyed chauffer), Frank Thorogood (which surprised ME), Mick Jagger and Keith Richards in his Guest Book post, which in my opinion is just about all of real importance anyway. Talk about a guy being "right out there". Can people who don't have those little eBooklet gadgets download eBooks into their computer and read them? I've never tried that, but I'd sure like to read Seth's Revelation from his psychic friend...true or not, and $25 is a pittance in today's literary world.

Forgive me for seeming to "waffle" about the investigation. It seems to be a sore point between us that just shouldn't be. Trevor isn't my source of information anyway, though you seem to think so. I've only asked him to verify my source's information. I'm not whole heartedly believing ANYONE more than another person. I can't tell you who my source is, since I was sworn to secrecy long ago, but I always check out any "information" my informant gives me before believing THAT too. No one's perfect, and few there be who're always completely right. There's always another side.

My source sure doesn't have a complete picture either, goodness knows. Plus, with Old Spice tossing a whole new angle into the deal (Now THAT was a shocker!), my previous conclusions went on the rocks for a while. Not all of her info fit with my source's data, but most of it did...and her view is a valid one...I just didn't come to the same conclusion she did. I hope she's right, it would be great, but I don't think so.

I don't mean to tout one thing then another Dear. It's just my dawdling old lady brain that can't say what it wants to say! LOL!! It only SEEMS like I'm waffling, but I actually haven't changed how I feel about this whole thing at all since I first started to post here. My only time of wavering was when Old Spice exploded onto the scene with her insider story.

To finish off...I DO want to keep some secrets, like you keep your name secret, and Old Spice keeps some secrets about Brian. One thing I've suspected on this board for a long time is that EVERYONE knows more than they're telling, and I find that VERY intriguing.

Love and Hugs.

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