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Date Posted: 11:33:19 10/03/14 Fri
Author: George (Hey Bernard)
Author Host/IP: c-71-63-15-4.hsd1.va.comcast.net /
Subject: Re: What Really happened in February 1967?
In reply to: Bernard 's message, "Re: What Really happened in February 1967?" on 12:59:49 09/27/14 Sat

Hi Bernard and everybody:

Good points Bernard and I agree. Around that time (Fall 1966) Brian was also doing the Movie Soundtrack for Anita's film which was released right around the time they broke up/Rolling Stones European Tour (Anita had split with Brian and moved on to Keith). Another punch in the gut (Brian's gut).

I have read that Mick and Keith had Anita say to Brian there was a chance they could reconcile their differences and get back together IF Brian would tour with the Stones during Spring 1967. Money had to have been tight... and Mick & Keith were close to going to jail (Brian had NOT been busted as of yet). Lawyer Bills MUST have been huge as well. So, the theory here is Mick (probably Keith) kissed Brian's ass to stay and tour with the band. Probably other promises were made and never kept once the tour was over. Brian was used (once again) in my opinion. Mick and Keith always used Brian for his musical skills, showmanship, and to attrack the women!! He was too popular with his fans and IF HE HAD LEFT the Stones would have been finished.

It's too bad Brian didn't leave the band in early 1967. He might still be alive today. Because most events (for Brian) after that Tour, were, for the most part, bad news.
Two drug busts, countless harrassment from the police and a full onslaught of drink and drugs did Brian in from that point on. Not to mention a certain duo (Keith and Mick) who no longer wanted Brian in the band after they were not charged in their drug busts. They used every trick in the book to cut Brian down to size (hoping he would leave the band by then as well) including using Klein's henchmen (mafia connections) who were used to "watch over Brian". Then top it off with narcs from inside the Stones,the Police/Media/Newspaper writers and Brian didn't have a chance.

Anyone else wonder why Brian died the night before he was due to get the first of his BIG Payments from Klein and the Stones? Pretty simple to connect the dots there as well. Again, tragic and sad all wrapped into one.

That's it for now have a great weekend everyone!!

All the best,


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  • Re: What Really happened in February 1967? -- George (Jack Nitzsche), 18:16:05 10/11/14 Sat (pool-173-66-212-230.washdc.fios.verizon.net/
  • Re: What Really happened in February 1967? -- pam, 17:51:37 10/15/14 Wed (nv-74-4-142-8.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/
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