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Date Posted: 18:16:05 10/11/14 Sat
Author: George (Jack Nitzsche)
Author Host/IP: pool-173-66-212-230.washdc.fios.verizon.net /
Subject: Re: What Really happened in February 1967?
In reply to: Bernard 's message, "Re: What Really happened in February 1967?" on 12:59:49 09/27/14 Sat

HI All:

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I did some research on this guy and found a lot of quotes regarding Brian's relationship with the Stones during the makings of two important albums both recorded at RCA Studios out in California. It was during this period, 1965-1966 that the Stones recorded Out Of Our Heads, and my favorite, Aftermath.

Jack (He performed on other tracks with The Stones through the years as well) was there for most if not all of those recordings. Think of his role as being similar to George Martin with The Beatles. What he says confirms what I have been looking for since Bill Wyman's book came out. It also knocks down, completely, Keith and ALO's assertion that Brian was already on his way down the slippery slope. Keith and ALO couldn't have been more wrong. According to Jack Brian was there and more than willing to play on every track (he was there and not passed out). But there were songs where Mick and Keith DID NOT want Brian's contribution. There is one story, again Jack was there, and Brian had a Harmonica part he wanted to try for a song. For a long time Mick and Keith said no or ignored Brian. Finally they relented, and told Brian to go out in the studio and do his part. He did 5-6 takes and he was wailing so hard on the Harmonica his lips started to Bleed. The whole time they hadn't even rolled any tape!! They did not record a single note. Mick and Keith had zero intentions to record Brian's part. Laughing the whole time behind the glass. True story. The bigger question is why? Why would Mick and Keith do that?

Nitzsche claims Brian was willing and able but it was Mick and Keith who did not want Brian to play on certain tracks. After all Nitzsche was there as well. Look it up folks.

So when you read or re-read Keith's BS Book and he is claiming Brian is out of his skull etc... during recording sessions just remember there are two sides to every story. Keith bitching about having to play all of the Guitar parts, well if that was so it's only because Brian is playing the Sitar (Bill claims the whole Melody of that #1 hit was Brian's yet Brian gets no credit). Another track that's nothing without Brian's touch is Under My Thumb. You think that song is worth a sh** with out Brian's Miramba's? Lady Jane? Keith bitching about playing Guitar because Brian is on the Dulcimer (Nitzsche on harpschord). Keith is such a hypocrite!!

Just a reminder that one cannot always believe what he/she might read. Keith really had a vendetta/animosity for Brian. Once again why?

Notice I barely mention Mick? That's because Mick was so far below Brian when it came to who was more popular with the fans (In the United States), women and most importantly the other musicians during this time (1965-1966). Brian was Head and shoulders above Mick. Sorry Mick, you lose too.

Well that's all for now. Hope everyone is doing well!!

Take care!!


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