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Date Posted: 12:59:49 09/27/14 Sat
Author: Bernard (disgusted)
Author Host/IP: cpe-74-71-95-163.nyc.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: What Really happened in February 1967?
In reply to: George 's message, "What Really happened in February 1967?" on 11:16:54 09/24/14 Wed

All I know about that time is that Their Current 45 was Ruby Tuesday. According to Tony Sanchez (author of Up and Down with the Rolling Stones) Brian and Keith did acid and spent 3 days writing Ruby Tuesday and When Mick arrived on the scene, he said "Whos it going to be, Brian or Me?"This must have been Late 1966. Mick and Keith fuck up everybody! Even Tony Sanchez at the end of his book! As time progressed, Brian Became even more beautiful and elegant and did have a life of his own. Anita (who I have seen in New York; she was ugly and fat) was very bad for Brian and was always feeding him LSD, which causes insanity. Brian held on the Best he could, but by 1969 when the Stones were recording "Let It Bleed" Brian probably detested Mick and Keith and Songs like "midnight rambler" which he played (Inaudible) maracas on.. i do believe Brians Spirit is most likely VERY STRONG, as I dont believe Brian liked being weak. I DETEST all the Stones for allowing this to happen to Brian and for being doped up sadists. There isnt a good bone in Mick or Keiths Bodies. Just listen to all their Lyrics. I stopped trying to even like them a little. they will fuck up your head and accuse you of being fucked up, as they have since songs like All Sold out and My obsession and 19th Nervous Breakdown. Did You ever have a terrible job and Hear the album Dirty Work? Its sickening. so I will continue here and I wish You and everyone else a lovely Autumn. God Bless. Jajouka, Bernard

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