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Date Posted: 16:39:48 12/16/02 Mon
Author: Shaper
Subject: A World in Chaos?

The sub-orbital torus of Califrex had been gripped in a state of dread for over a month. The prolonged orbital siege had taken its toll on the citizens of the city-state. The once busy market places that the region had become known for were virtually abandoned, with energon for recreation or commerce becoming a scarce commodity. City lighting had been reduced to the minimum required for travelling and security. Many buildings were scarcley lit save for warning beacons for aerial travellers.

A majority of Califrex's registered soldiers had already been drafted into toral-defense leagues. The rest had been seconded to city watch units, attempting to quell the occasional riots. The city-state council had abandoned any attempt to conceal the severity of the global situation and had been attempting to find solutions to allieviate citizen unrest.

* * *

A thin wafer of discarded news-print flicked and hummed with static as it blew across an unlit and empty energon-cafe in the upper district of Califrex. Stacked steel seats and shards of shattered plasti-steel from the wrecked store-front glittered and reflected light from the occasional orbital detonation lighting the night sky, or the firing of a planetary mass-driver from a neighbouring city-state.

Faint weaves of luminous green and blue light coelesced into a complex spherical pattern. The orb flickered from the size of an average Spark to that of a Maximal-sized and apparently technorganic Transformer. Unusually for a Cybertronian it was wearing a robe - typically Transformers eschewed clothing of any kind as it tended to intefere with the transformation process.

The new arrival would have been the last straw to the frayed nerves of a Califrexian citizen had any been present as its appearance was particularly unnerving - a shining silver skull with vicious scythe-like teeth and violet eyes. The rest of the creature was an equally unexpected configuration - upon closer inspection the creature would appear to be a more elemental mix of metal and organic structures than technorganics. Almost as if the creature were created by techniques or designs that were more raw... yet purer than that of technorganics.

The other areas of the creature not covered by the dark blue robes were violet metalflesh bundled into cords of slim muscle and dark purple veins, all seemingly tatooed with flaring azure glyphs and runes that faded to a dull glow.

Shaper out of the fading portal-weave traces to the broken shop-front, moving in a graceful, serpentine flow. He picked his way through the debris and over turned steel tables and chairs of the cafe's patio to a balcony overlooking a majority of the lower-torus.

Dark spires marked with the occasional point of light rose from the shadows of the city-state, highways were intermitantly lit, and a few fires burned as the result of the occasional riot or orbital debris falling from the sky. The Gem Quarter had already been partially destroyed by the wreckage of a fallen orbital defense platform. Emergency crews roved across the giant crumped hexagons like scraplets across an Autobot shell still attempting to quell fires raging across the giant crumpled hexagon shape.

Shaper watched the stygian vista for several cycles, then raised his cowl and began to make his way down the ruined plaza towards the ravaged lower torus.

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