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Date Posted: 16:57:05 12/17/02 Tue
Author: Shaper
Subject: A Gathering
In reply to: Shaper 's message, "A World in Chaos?" on 16:39:48 12/16/02 Mon

A crowd of nearly a hundred Transformers had gathered at the foot of the upper torus outside the Califrex City-State Council Chambers. Shaper sinuously weaved his between fallen ferroconcrete columns and perched behind some debris some distance away, watching intently.

* * *

Some of the more vigorous members of the crowd had pushed their way to the doors of the local council chambers and were loudly demanding entrance. Already tempers were fraying, with Autobots and Maximals beginnning to pair off against Decepticons, Predacons and Vehicons.

"Enough!" A tall and purple vehicular Transformer stepped in front of the few whom were pounding their fists on the building doors. Catapillar tracks decoracted the sides of his arms and legs and a futuristic-looking gun turret jutted upwards from his left shoulder. "Enough."

Gradually the clamour and angry shouts died down. When he was certain he had his attention the speaker began to speak in a level voice that carried across the crowd.

"My fellow Transformers, we face a difficult time. A new enemy gathers above our planet, but the threat is one we have faced before now.

We face an opponent that does not care about our beliefs, our politics, or our race. We face annihilation.

We cannot rely on detatched politicians to save us, or mythical artifacts to repel the aggressor in one clean sweep.
Instead we must set aside our differences and unite like never before."

Some of the crowd whom had been potentially violent had the grace to look abashed. Others were absently fingering their insignias.

"We cannot... must not forget the past and the attrocities perpetrated. But if we cannot set aside our differences we will have no future."

The speaker seized the insignia on his torso and tore it free, letting it fall to the rubble-strewn ground with an audible clank.

The fallen scratched and dented Decepticon badge balefully glared upwards from the ground.

"My name is Conquest, and I am a Transformer."

A smaller technorganic wolf Maximal stepped into the space that had parted around Conquest and ripped his Neo-Maximal badge from his left shoulder and cast it to the ground next to the Decepticon logo.

"My name is Harrow, and I am a Transformer."

More Transformers stepped forward and repeated the ritual until a small pile of faction insignias had formed in the center of the crowd. Conquest drew a spiked energon-mace from a back compartment and thrust it upwards.

"Transformers - to battle!"

As one the hundred-strong crowd of mixed Transformers took to the skies with a beating of wings, rocket engines and levitation units firing.

* * *

Once the last of the Transformers had vanished into the night sky Shaper straightned and stepped over the debris concealing him. He gathered the discarded insignia into a discarded empty energon barrel, then looked across the plaza for a few moments before locating what he wanted.

Hefting the barrel onto his left shoulder he picked his way out of the plaza and down the dark streets of Califrex.

After several cycles of walking Shaper gently placed the barrel and its contents on the floor before a blocky and dimly lit building. He cut the air in front of him sharply with his left hand, pointed at the building's blastdoors and barked a simple but harsh set of synables.

A searing bolt of thunder blasted the thick armoured doors apart.

Once the smoke had cleared and the glowing edges of the crater had finished cracking and plinking Shaper swept into the laser-forge.

After further cycles of searching the pillaging creature found a functioning plasma hammer and diamond forge in a basement filled with assembly equipment and machine tools. Shaper poured the insignias from the barrel into a smelter. Guttering sparks and the arcing blue glow of the charging plasma hammer made Shaper's normally horrifying visage a nightmare skeletonal mask of silvery concentration.

Once the metals and trace oily and technorganic fluids had reached a molten state Shaper poured the seething semi-liquid into the cast for an energon broadsword large enough to be difficult for even an average Autobot Car-Brother or Decepticon Seeker to wield comfortably. Shaper passed his hands over the cast in increasingly complex gestures, murmering words of power.

Once the cast had cooled Shaper took the glowing metal blade from the cast and layed it on the smooth and sparkling surface of the diamond-anvil. He took the plasma hammer from the charging socket on the wall and began the lengthy work of creating an artifact whose like had not been seen on Cybertron since before the time of the Great War.

* * *

Days and nights passed as Shaper alternately hammered and weaved half-visible weaves and traces across the blade. When he was finally satisfied he cradled the sword in both hands and lifted it in the darkness.

"From old hatred and false pride I have created a tool to serve Light and Order.

Behold - Unity."

Now his task was to find someone worthy to wield the blade.
"Yes I hold some keys of gold
A cigarrette a silver bullet
Angels crying day and night
The world is our stage

Look inside and try and find the part of me that tore,
I wish I knew what I got through Behind..."

- 'Silver', Machine Head

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