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Date Posted: 22:53:40 09/04/01 Tue
Author: Return to Forever & Intent to Return
Author Host/IP: snjts4-33-201.jersey.net /
Subject: *Stomp*
In reply to: Michelle 's message, "The girl watches the foal and it;s mom" on 10:09:32 09/03/01 Mon

*the mare watches from the corner of the stall as the girl fills her buckets, stomping angrily, Doesn't she see I'm not happy here? She stomps again, ears laced to crest, teeth bared, trying to get her point across, dark bay colt lays in the straw by his mothers side, asleep, undisturbed by his dam. She squeals at the young colt, not liking another male, especially one of the tame ones, so near her foal, she charges the front of stall, trying to make him leave, then relaxes as he is lead away, sniffing at the carrots, nibbling some hay, taking in a nice long drink of water. She backs to the end of the stall as the girl comes in, ears flattened, one leg up in warning of a kick, her foal awakes, swishing his bottle brush tail, walking over to suckle from his dam. Fiery chestnut stands perfectly still as her foal drinks, ears still pinned at human invading her small space, finally she sniffs the apple, taking a bite, liking the taste of the juicy fruit. When tied to the steel bar she reels, pulling back, trying to escape it, yet she cannot, she rears, tossing her head wildly, causing the lead to strain, but it does not break. The tired femme snakes her head, baring her teeth to the human who has tied her head so, coat lathered with sweat she regretfully allows the human to run the brush over her, kicking if she should get too close, or go off guard, snapping her teeth angrily, even if the brushing feels good. Charred Mahogany colt enjoys the feeling of the brushing again, playing between his dam's legs, tossing young head, feeling frisky. Mare puts up a bit of a fight, being led into the arena, feeling weight being applied by a human she rears, taking off as soon as forefeet hit the ground, galloping wildly around the edge of the arena, flame hued tail dancing in her wake like a comet, looking for a weak spot in the fence, she shows the human her heels as she bucks, galloping, a wild gleam in her eye*

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