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Date Posted: 05:46:20 10/23/01 Tue
Author: Mahhr-Sel
Subject: He lit a cigar in the shadows...
In reply to: Ged 's message, "Ged looked up at the ships that were taking off." on 02:06:35 08/25/01 Sat

...his face partially illuminated as he observed the urchin running back and forth. Mahhr-Sel had observed many strange things since coming to the pirate colony, but for the life of him couldn't fathom what the lad was trying. Sandcastles perhaps? Or perhaps the boy was simply mad. Life at R'ei Jext was hard, and Ged would not be the first young abductee to break. Perhaps he had been taken from some droll desert world like Arrakis. Mahhr-Sel could care less. He dropped his cigar and ground it beneath his heel, brushing a wisp of auburn hair from his eyes as he pulled his hat tighter and walked out of the alley.

He was immediately propositioned by several toothless prostitutes. Mahhr-Sel was not an ugly man, and certainly better looking than half the rejects that had recently launched to protect the colony's interests. Still, as he looked over his assailants, he found one or two less objectionable than the others, and himself not above a diversion. He flashed a cred to the least repelling and beckoned for her and her only to follow him, at several paces behind. At first she tried to make small talk about the recent launch and Kar'Nashe's importance. Mahhr-Sel feigned indifference, but Cybertron concerned him as much as any other seekign haven in R'ei Jext, for whatever reason. Her indiscretion annoyed him more than anything else, but he had long ago abandoned all hope for intellectual stimulation.

They arrived at the ramshackle motel where he was staying. Neighbors and staff barely gave them a second look; no one asked questions about anything at R'ei Jext. he beckoned her inside the room first, sealing the door behind him as he followed.

"Dark in here..." she murmured, finding the bed and laying across it, groping in the darkness for the nightstand lamp. It flickered to life even as the whirr of soundproof panels filled the room. Discretion was valued by some clients; she figured this one was looking forward to her making some noise. With the creds he had flashed, she would make any noise he wanted, but he yet remained at the far side of the room, still in darkness. "Don't be so shy, baby. Come on over here and let's get another look at you."

Mahhr-Sel stepped out of the shadows into the light, and she screamed, and screamed, and screamed, and screamed....

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