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You enter into a large, open cavern. The rock is a plain, earthy brown, and the floor is flat and clean-swept. In the center area, there's a ring of fist-sized stones with a diameter of maybe twenty feet. Scorch marks in the middle suggest a fire is often lit there. Further back, there's a large, plain desk, with an unadorned chair behind it. Several papers are scattered over the obsidian desk, and something that looks remarkably like a lap-top is off to one side. It's hooked into the main computer of Terole, as well as the Olashi database on Lavana. Looking around a bit more, you realize the cavern isn't so round. It's more like a blunt, five-toed pawprint, right into the side of a mountain. Each 'toe' seems to be a different shade.

Going from left, you realize each is a more private 'office' for each Guardian. The first, starting from the left, is emerald-toned, and belongs to the newest Guardian, Mystery Deathsong, a female Dagaan. Next to that is a darker mulberry 'toe', belonging to Devan, male Nevashi. In the center is an odd tone of blood-red, swirled. That, the largest imprint, is Redwood's, female Korat, the Governor. Continuing to the right is a tangerine-shaded 'toe', this office belonging to Redwood's son, Akartis, who is appointed Junior Governor. On the far right is an indentation shaded a periwinkle hue, belonging to the female Sylpha, Shaekara.

Here you can come if you need to discuss anything of importance with the leaders of Terole. Someone is bound to be here, and if you yell one name loudly enough, the crett you want is certain to turn up eventually. But, this is not a social place, usually reserved for that nasty paperwork behind the running of a planet, and meetings.


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