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Date Posted: 09:05:05 04/09/02 Tue
Author: Lord Lye-Onitron
Subject: Silence...nothing but silence...
In reply to: Lord Betacron 's message, "Betacron heard the transmission..." on 19:12:57 04/06/02 Sat

...permeated the senate hall as the transmission feed from Velocity was suddenly cut short. There was something, like a prayer to Primus, momentarily whispered, but then it was all gone...

Lord Lye-Onitron tried to reconnect with his private communicator, but there was no dat-feed to be had. He looked towards Kit and truly felt a sense of emptiness wash over him.

He stood in the now silence of the meeting hall, and approached the main desk engaging the city wide data-porcessors which peered at the heavens. The room lit up with images of the Cybertronion sky above, save for the one screen destroyed by Mad Betacron's sowrd.

Some of the senators looked at each other, giving silent encouragement...too much of a political mistake to show any weakness as that being shown openly by Betacron. Others silently looked up at the screen, steepled fingers held tensely before their rapt faces. Yet others paced. Lord Lye-Onitron crossed his arms behind his back and waited....for what he was not...

...there...was that a flash of green? What was that? Or that?

...they knew now that they were witnessing from afar what could only be the massacre of many of the Cybertronion Fleet. Outside on the streets, apparently the people had noted it as well as a cry reached the meeting hall and shook the very foundations of the Senate Hall...

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