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Date Posted: 19:27:45 11/13/01 Tue
Author: KhaliG
Subject: Re: What happens to Darla in "Lullaby?" + another theory
In reply to: Blue 's message, "Re: What happens to Darla in "Lullaby?" + another theory" on 15:11:52 11/13/01 Tue

>Ah, I see now. You need to visit other boards like
>the ANGEL forum at Shrinking Bait Arms (a board Tim
>Minear posts at) and the Bronze Beta (which is sort of
>the temporary Bronze). There are other small ones
>that I visit as well. I gave you some history on the
>ASSB and how it was taken over. There used to be so
>many people that posted there. Not anymore really.

The ASS Board has become a very shippy board, then again it always has been every since it started in 1999. As much as the board mom tries to make it fair to all posters, it's just not welcoming to people who believe in different ships or really like different characters.
>I'll see if I can get you the links later tonight.

Please do, especially the shrinking world one, it sounds good.

>I haven't seen the national ratings for Offspring yet,
>but even that episode (at least to me) didn't really
>have plenty of focus on Darla.
>But this is what I observed. The premiere scored a
>3.2, thereafter Vision Thing scored a 3.0, That Old
>Gang of Mine a 2.9. Carpe Noctem (Angel focused)
>scored a 3.2. Fredless went back to a 3.0. Billy
>scored a 2.6 or 2.7. There could have been plenty of
>reasons for the significant drop for Billy, but I
>still think it's telling that the ratings have not
>increased. In fact, they've lessened.

Whoa, Billy scored a 2.7/2.6? That was a very cool ep, even though it was very disturbing. I guess some viewers wanted to see the main storyline which is the pregnant vampire since she focuses on the main character.
>So I have to wonder if promoting the show as C/A and
>not concentrating on Angel's issues, just the FGs and
>Cordelia has hurt the show. It needs to get more
>viewers and honestly I don't think promoting the show
>as C/A is helping.

If there's one thing I like in my shows are variety in relationships. One of the reasons why I likesd Season 2 Angel was because you can see possibilities for relationships. When the possibilities are narrowed down to such a vise-like grip like C/A. C/A, C/A! the show becomes constrained when the possibilities are not told well. C/A is not being told well, at the moment.
>>It's good to talk about it plus I'm really interested
>in what you have to say.

Oh, thank you. :) I like listening to what you have to say,too, Blue.
>>Ahh, I'm in the D/A Bunker re-watching the scene where
>>Darla is crying in the car. It's just so beautful. TM
>>better not kill her or the baby off next week. That's
>>just too much.
>I don't think either will happen. :)

Knock on wood, do a sign of the cross and read the wildfeed. Never hurts to be prepared, which is why I'm probably going to be breaking my anti-spoiler stance for the first time with an Angel ep.
>Oh man, don't remind me. I just need to get off the
>net period.

Hah! You can't! The net always sucks you in, drawing you further and further into a world of madness. I tried, believe me, I've tried. Khali runs over to the screaming room in the D/A bunker. At least I've sworn off the ASS board for a few hours and the NG as well.

~Khali, who is going to re-watch Tabula Rasa and sigh over B/S kissage.

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