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Date Posted: 10:11:20 06/15/06 Thu
Author: Reese/Courtney
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Skeeter/Braden 's message, "inside" on 09:18:32 06/15/06 Thu

(She had been smiling brightly as she looked up, brushing a couple dog hairs off her hands as Bambi sat at her side and panted, but that smile faded at Braden's almost accusatory words. Her eyes scanned his face, he had very handsome features and very intelligent eyes.. but something about him was troubled and it made her feel wary. Pulling her lower lip between her teeth as she thought about Keegan, she nodded in response to his statement and huddled into the jacket more. It had a mixed scent of cologne, man and exhaust.. Keegan had had a motorcycle and had used the jacket mainly for riding. With a sigh, she drew her knees up and wrapped her arms around them.) That happens when you're related. (She said, trying to be sarcastic, but it came off sort of sad.) (She was starting to get the feeling that they were intruding on something.. but at the same time she didn't really want to leave Braden and the girl alone because she didn't want them to feel uncomfortable with each other. Feeling eyes, she turned her head, a smile spreading over her features as she caught him looking at her, color spreading over her cheeks at the same time. She liked this easygoing relationship they were building.. should something romantic ever come of it she had a feeling it would be amazing. There was just something about him and the way she felt a surge of electric energy run through her whenever he touched her, and the way his gaze was almost as potent as an actual touch. She just felt.. connected.. somehow to him. Her tongue slipped out to run over her lower lip and she ducked her head a little before tearing her gaze away from him to say hello to Bambi, who had padded over and nosed her hand.)

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