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Date Posted: 07:38:52 09/18/06 Mon
Author: Gia
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Skeeter 's message, "inside" on 07:29:34 09/18/06 Mon

(She let him guide her through the building, even though his hand felt like a hot iron pressed against her back, reminding her of what she had done to him. The psychiatrists were always telling Remy, a little too close to her door for her to still be able to hear them, that she had severe issues with guilt and repressed anxiety.. that she had fought for her life for so long that it was all she knew how to do. She wasnt sure what she thought of that diagnosis, but she knew that she found it hard to let people care for her.. because people let you down.. and letting them in was asking for unneccessary pain. As the outside doors opened, she squinted, having been indoors for three months made the light overbright and her eyes screamed for mercy. She actually stopped for a moment, hoping they would adjust so she could see, and then he had produced sunglasses for her. She murmured her thanks and put them on, following him again and sighing in pleasure at the feel of the hot sun on her skin, knowing that it would burn if she wasn't careful.) Not since breakfast. (She said softly, though she wasn't all that sure she was hungry.. and that bothered her. She pretty much forced herself to eat for the babys sake, and when the time for food came and she wasnt hungry she always felt like a failure and worried herself sick that there was something wrong with the baby even though the ultrasounds always showed life. That bit of worry entered her expression, though she didnt voice it.. not to Skeeter. He always seemed like he was trying to get away from her as quick as he could, like she was a hot potato that he was forced to catch and had no one to throw her to. Sighing, she climbed into the car and adjusted herself, hugging her purse to her lap as he got in. The music in his car always soothed her, he had good taste, and even now she relaxed a little, leaning her head back on the headrest and gazing out the window, trying not to feel the very male presense of the father of her child sitting beside her.)

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