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Date Posted: 09:34:10 09/30/06 Sat
Author: Kyrian/Remy
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Haylie/Skeeter 's message, "
We all need a proud woman
My oh My
on 09:24:12 09/30/06 Sat

(Since he was planning on sending two of his best agents off for an extended stay mission of great importance, he had been dedicating 95% of his work time to overseeing intel and being sure that everything was set for Braden and Courtney. As it was, his finger was still on the intercom button almost at the same time that Skeeter buzzed in.. it was uncanny the way that his mind allowed him to focus on a thousand things at once.. not that he didn't get overwhelmed a lot. He tipped his head to look over at Kyrian as he heard Skeeter's 'Code Four'.. it was no wonder they had such a good team.. everyone was so dedicated to taking care of each other.) You can go take care of that. (He said to Kyrian, though he knew his friend would have left regardless of permission.. it just felt like he had more control if he preempted things like that.) (He felt a mixture of emotions at the revelation that his tired girlfriend was now upstairs working intelligence. On one hand he wished she would rest the way she needed to.. that baby was taking a huge toll on her body and half the time the poor thing looked like she hadn't slept in months. And on the other hand, he was excited to see her and glad she was there.. it was a wonderful thing to work beside the woman you loved, to be able to stop by and visit any time he wanted to.. speaking of which. He got to his feet, socking Remy on the shoulder for teasing him before heading out to the elevators. He was humming as he got off the elevators and headed down to the intelligence office, knocking before stepping in.) Hey there beautiful.. (He said with a smile, which grew into a smirk.) And you too, Haylie..

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