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Subject: Any clue who the 14 contestants are for this weekend's pageant?

No name
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Date Posted: 09:48:18 01/15/25 Wed

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They have over 30 contestants. So you must be talking about the Miss or Teen numbers alone. (NT)No name11:52:49 01/15/25 Wed
They could have used two sets of judges. Thirty girls is going to be 5 hours of interviews. (NT)No name02:47:26 01/16/25 Thu
Re: Any clue who the 14 contestants are for this weekend's pageant?No name06:20:39 01/16/25 Thu
They just posted pictures. There is no Morgan or Kerrigan. How ever Lauren Walsh, Josie Perdue, D'Amrah and Jamie are in it (NT)No name07:04:54 01/16/25 Thu
Re: Any clue who the 14 contestants are for this weekend's pageant?No name11:57:30 01/16/25 Thu
I would think Walsh is a front runner for a title and probably Miss NC (NT)No name12:12:13 01/16/25 Thu
No matter what she has done elsewhere.......she doesn't live in North Carolina. IMO, this is more of an issue to me than Carrie not being from North Carolina. At least she is going to school and getting her education in our state. (Just like SG Blackwelder and M Cox and M Gadsden) They all don't live in the respective state but go to school. Lauren DOES NOT LIVE, WORK OR GO TO SCHOOL in North Carolina. She should not be eligible to compete.No name10:02:39 01/17/25 Fri
Re: Any clue who the 14 contestants are for this weekend's pageant?No name22:20:09 01/19/25 Sun
My question is how does she even make appearances and represent the title? Seems like she just wanted a ticket to MNC and nothing more. Sorry, but I prefer winners who will actually serve the title. (NT)No name07:52:05 01/20/25 Mon
Congratulations to the Miss Ballantyne committee. In addition to having great numbers, they handed out several thousand dollars in scholarships and awards. I lost track of how much money it was. Did anyone tabulate it all up? It had to be close to $30,000. Way more than most. (NT)No name11:51:39 01/22/25 Wed

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