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Date Posted: 04:46:01 02/16/07 Fri
Author: S. K. Dixon
Author Host/IP: cache-mtc-ae12.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Re: Flyer Emergency!
In reply to: Becca 's message, "Flyer Emergency!" on 20:09:04 02/15/07 Thu

Becca, you have advice from the best; Dennis and Bev have been creating miracles for years and Storker has recently successfully treated his baby using their advice. However, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE here and also consistency with dosages on a schedule each day. Good Luck to both of you; keep us posted. You should see a bit of improvement soon and then more each day! It takes awhile, so don't stop too soon!

>I have a flyer emergency and found this website online.
>My flyer is 5 1/2 (got her in November of 2001). I'm
>not sure when this happened, she seemed ok two nights
>ago, but she seems to have lost a lot of use of her
>back legs. She mostly drags them around the cage,
>though she can use them a little. She has been sort of
>"elderly" for a couple of months - moving much more
>slowly, looking a little rumpled, but I truly thought
>it was because she is getting older (I have had other
>small pets and they've looked like this in their last
>months of life).
>I am absolutely panicked to see her like this. She
>moves very slowly, leans against the cage, isn't
>eating as much, won't come out now (she just doesn't
>seem to want to be handled at all).
>I was discussing it with my Mom and it suddenly
>occurred to me that this could be our fault. I'm sick
>over it, but I realized that I've been very concerned
>about how cold and draft our house is, and so I had
>put a blanket and towel over the back and sides of her
>cage, to keep her warmer. My parents have been caring
>for her in my absence the last few months and
>apparently have kept the cage entirely covered day and
>night because it is so cold in the house. This means
>she probably isn't getting much, if any, sunlight
>during the day. Could this be Vitamin D deficiency, or
>is this natural aging? Is there anything I can do for
>I am so heartsick at the thought that we did this to
>her! I don't know what to do, and the vets down here
>don't see flyers. They don't know them at all. The vet
>said that if I think this is bad enough, they could
>put her to sleep for me, but that's really all they
>can do.
>I feel horribly irresponsible. I truly do love her.
>She has a calcium block in her cage, she gets fruits
>and veggies and nuts. She's been healthy and vibrant
>and loving and wonderful up until now. She's my baby,
>and I just want to help her.
>Dennis & others, I don't know you, but do you have any

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