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Subject: |+| Duae o' Canis, Combinare o' Mas and Femineus |+|A

Aquarius und Incendium
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Date Posted: 22:23:42 01/03/02 Thu

=Mascua o' canis species trots silently 'cross frosted terra. Maw is slightly open, wolfish grin caressing features as nostrils are lifted towards die heavens, scenting chilled air. Scents of pink-fleshed, two-legged kind is prominent, that of equine as well, but the one that draws him ever nearer is that o' fowl. Singular octave flows o'er land directed to vixen to tell o' the knowledge o' sustinence. Bod' is flattened towards die ground as limbs propel him silently up-vind o' human development...=

=Femora of ebon' und ivory moves swiftly und silently towards die humans. Sensative lobes catch die melody of Mas, telling her o' sustinence and guiding her e'er closer. Vixen immerses herself into die shadows, hiding remarkably well. Coral hued tongue licks ivory canines as she awaits the signal from her mate, obsidian pools dancing like infernos as her mind fixes 'pon caged fowls from afar...=

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|+| Mors...Death....Thanatos....Obitus... |+|Aquarius und Incedium01:58:27 01/05/02 Sat

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