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Date Posted: 09:53:51 03/13/12 Tue
Author: .
Subject: the Law is Truth is Democracy is Liberty
In reply to: edy @consciouspi 's message, "Basic Emotional Health Facts: you gotta' know." on 09:45:51 03/13/12 Tue

the Law is truth. without moral truth, the dictator could decree as he wants; without moral truth, a vicious voting public can vote to hurt you. God's Law, is the Golden Rule, is the basis of our constitution, [the golden rule was written in; but even if it had not, the golden rule is still fact only.] Democracy won't allow a mean vote to even come up. Is why no one is allowed to Tread on You.

Can I bring this idea up as a plausible law? ..All heterosexuals must now wear a clown suit. [And, I can even pretend it is for their own good; to teach them a spiritual lesson. As illegal laws always has why i can hurt you. There is no why i can hurt you.]
if you break the golden rule, God holds you accountable. Moral truth is not up to you or me. [On a blind world, this is the fact one hears, the moment he makes it to heaven. Then you choose. As fairness is fair only, you don't hurt people: nothing there to resent.]

give a damn about every consciousness really, is true only. for we are inside and of the Great Consciousness. THE MEANING OF LIFE: Is to prepare every conscious being for his eternal life; to make society run correctly.

stranded, denied proper medical testing, education is unaffordable, or people think they cannot do it, cannot afford to sue in a court of law, (can just be persecuted), unequal services, all because people are not allowed a self supporting moral wage. ....Is the opposite of our meaning of life, breaks the golden rule. The economy runs spray hose up, is: We did know always, deep down, mother nature will have it, that economic truth demands fairness. These are the basics, moral government will cover. Verses, criminal neglect, is for early death of the poor to save a coin for the federal deficit. Criminal neglect is truly vicious, to be made aware. As small government is not about economics; small government prevents you from treading on me, or vice versa. As treading on someone, always is arbitrary, hurtful.

Not allowed to work; so I can have a haital hernia, and an ovary with stuff on it. Because I am poor. Is why you are a murderer temperament proven if you are for this. Or rather, if you have no self correction. [As only people who have the self correction habit, truly, is only why they are right all the time then.] ....Not allowed to work is against the law, much less, so just allow an unnecessary early death.

* either everyone is educatable, to understand him really, or he is sociopath. hold a human being in contempt treats him as if he is a psycho. you don't go around treating people as if they are unreachable. good people want who seems to be a sociopath to understand moral truth isn't up to him. treats him that way.

the Law is the very basis of the United States constitution, is the Declaration’s Intent: "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with a certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

either government is legal, protects the people from illegal laws, or is an outlaw state. there is no inbetween. any illegal laws on the books, breaks the golden rule, are not legal. As we need a watchdog group to make certain illegal laws cannot even be brought up to vote on; as illegal laws on the books, must have a Judicial Review easily, quickly, to stop abuse.

*True Intent is what matters in a court of Law. better occur with people the way they really are. better cure really, if a person needs one. better be treated with dignity.

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