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Date Posted: 09:49:47 03/13/12 Tue
Author: growth tips
Subject: how to Forgive [self-forgiveness].
In reply to: edy @consciouspi 's message, "Basic Emotional Health Facts: you gotta' know." on 09:45:51 03/13/12 Tue

Dear growers: you care, you earned basic self-esteem, does feelingly know the facts will set you free, feelingly feels god is within you, which is why you have no problem with "doubting" god's existence. yet, guilt rears its ugly head again, is only for learning, earning purposes. making mistakes causes concerns needing resolution. sometimes guilt is telling you to forgive others better. here are some other reasons.

1. your mistakes are proven as absolute mistakes, simply because you do care. genuinely retarded in your ways is so; yet you need to see deeply, through experience, why you really were an honest dummy: will see really, seeks, and always finds the facts that will set you free, is promised. ...if you did know better also, nobody wants to hear they were hard hearted; embrace how hard you accidentally grew; accept it, grows easier. you do wish you had done right, you do care, is why you work on these matters. You were genuinely stupid is always there to be seen; experience will clearly show you why you were stupid to such a degree, that in all fact you will see you were as truly stupid as error. guilt returns, is, it is time to look and see what concerns you, [may be, you are too judgemental towards others]. and then you will feel better. it is emotional upset, that also knows deeply, the answers are there always, to cure, which then leads to greater empathy, is real growth. Growth seeking is not always fun; but you feelingly earn your soul to do so, or rather, you feelingly gain, every time. even error has to earn it was error, when something terrible occurs,--although easier to see. intent didn't believe he would be hurtful: might only need to forgive others better.

2. God our father knows what will occur in advance, sees the consequences, because he has all the facts. in this way he protects the victim, which protects the victimizer,--because the victim was protected; and God even makes good also, come out of bad, as the natural results, for those who are good; and He even prevents a worse scenario, when it is in his domain to be able to do so. As well, eternal permanent harm is impossible. "power" issues also, are earned by this fact that in the long run, a far greater amount of good, for the good man, multiplied many times over, comes out of bad. powerless, is the bad man,--who of course rejects god is horrible for him; and a sociopath can see for himself that the high he receives by the notion of knowingly hurting others badly, is actually coming from the view that he is personally dying eternally. One is only capable of eternally murdering himself. This is why no one, not society, nor parents, are responsible for the fact that someone became a sociopath. Although, who is not a sociopath, does prove bad education at least, was the cause of his genuine mistaken notions

3. if an early death occurred for someone, for any reason whatsoever, his eternal cause, his efforts, his creative work, is planned around this horrible occurrence, simply because God knows what will occur, far in advance. everything will work out for the best, after all. ....as God takes consciousness on to heaven, if his body is fixing to die.

4. to who was persecuted here on earth: is poverty, much less homelessness. such bravery goes with notice in heaven. the brave are appreciated, is an understatement. this is not only true with persecution, but serious illness, such as schizophrenia: the most serious of illnesses; who has, is truly brave, and is heroic. and such terrible circumstances on earth, to experience, owns also this experience, and augments ones eternal career, in consequence. If isolated in your bravery, this very isolation is why, in heaven, great trusts will be given to you earlier then others, who have not experienced such extreme conditions. The man who lived in hopeless conditions, is ahead already.

5. to have hurt someone, is very painful, if you are good. the person you hurt is the center of attention within. far beyond grateful to help. the happier, better off the person who was hurt, is: gratitude to the extreme, for this, is who did the hurting.

the more a grower grows; more deeply he adores, becomes absolutely self-forgiven,--has seen, earned all the facts he needed. self forgiveness/forgiveness is fact of it, is why you earn it absolutely. This is what “our sins are washed away" means.

other growth tips_________

a. Catch yourself judging, and replace the wrong view with the highest truth. True understanding cures everyone.
honoring to be with everyone equally, is high self esteem; so make certain this is you.

b. always admit bad feelings, such as jealousy, and rethink why the highest truth is true only. is why you will be perfectly fine with the success of others.

c. experience seen, proves truth is fact only. growth groups are neat for this.

d. do, think, read, of something that gets you out of thinking about yourself.

e. fix up the extra room for an extra person in your home.
to help them get ahead. ....helping others. you won't reap money back; you will reap love in your soul.

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  • the Law is Truth is Democracy is Liberty -- ., 09:53:51 03/13/12 Tue
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