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Date Posted: 11:06:46 01/28/25 Tue
Author: More
Subject: You must not be from the region.
In reply to: All about CLRG/IDTANA making $ 's message, "Mark my word: A) There is no where close to sufficient hotel rooms at the venue. B) The cement halls are a disgrace to what the Worlds should be. C) Terrible venue selection for Worlds." on 10:04:06 01/28/25 Tue

Yes some of venue is concrete, but it gives SPACE for the amount of dancers and their entourage that will attend. This is also smack dab in the largest region CLRG has and have held their Oireachtas there many times flawlessly. Worlds would have about the same number of dancers spread out over even more days. The two carpeted large ballrooms are more than sufficient for awards and backdrops can be created to add more elegance. Would much prefer space than the cramped halls we've had in the past just for the aesthetics.

There are SO MANY hotels all within 5 miles of the venue and O'Hare is 10 minutes away. This is a complete 180 from previous Worlds with zero accommodations provided and NANs where it was miles between the hotels and venue.

When I think of terrible venues and cities for Worlds, like Greensboro, the Walmart Worlds, or Belfast and Montreal where there were no accommodations nearby come to mind. This location gives the convenience of large city with a hub airport and tourism, but the condensed location for the competition. Get over yourself that you have to travel to the States for once.

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