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Subject: Mercedes, the question is not about what THEY did. What would YOU do if you were the one who had to make a decision in such a situation? Same question to you, Teller

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Date Posted: Sun, May 03, 2009 9:32:09
In reply to: Mercedes 's message, "Yep, here I am, Jumping In!" on Sun, May 03, 2009 7:30:56

Saying "well, fortunately I'm not the one who has to make such decisions" is fine....but then, you don't have any real basis for attacking those who are making the decisions.

Let us say you have info that makes it about 99% likely that a nuclear bomb will be detonated, killing half a million people or so. That it will probably happen within 12 hours. Enough time to possibly prevent it.

You have only one person in custody who you are 99% certain knows where the bomb is. You have already tried talking to him as much as you can, with no results.

There are harsh interrogation methods, including some which you could call torture, which are highly likely to make him talk. Will he talk TRUTHFULLY? Maybe, maybe not. But it's the only method at your disposal which could even POSSIBLy save the lives of half a million people.

I know. You want to be principled. You want to say "Under no conditions whatsoever". Believe me, I'd like to say that, too.

And if I answered that in this case I WOULD torture this individual, people can ask some hard questions of me as well. Like what if we were only 50% sure that a bomb was about to go off? Or less? What if we were only 50% sure that he knew anything about it? Or less? What if the likelihood of him talking was extremely low?

And it would be hard for me to say. I know I would NOT torture if there was a mere 1% likelihood that a bomb was going to go off, if there was only a 1% likelihood that the suspect knew where it was, and the torture was only 1% likely to to get him to talk truthfully. If the numbers were all 99%, I would. In between, then it becomes really hard to say. You have to weigh out the consequences on both sides.

Torture is a terrible thing, and we should avoid it if at all possible. But that becomes the question then, just when is it NOT possible?

Oh, one more question: If, under the circumstances above (the 99% likelihood), President Obama was to approve torturing such a person to stop a bomb, would you condemn him?

And I know, there is no evidence that the previous administration was faced with such a situation either. But starting at the extremes is the best way to then work out at just what point we are right to approve, or right to condemn.

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A situation of the other extreme, when torture is just plain evil (e e cummings)obitcheckerSun, May 03, 2009 9:39:22
Sorry, obitchecker, I would NOT torture ANYONE to get Information! I would hold my breath a few times, pray to God to stop whatever Insanity may or may not be happening and just WAIT.If there is destruction I will cry my heart out. If there is nothing, then I will breathe a sigh of Relief! (NT)Mercedes (the only way I would ever Hurt someone is if they were trying to kill my husband or son. I would try to knock a gun or knife out of their hand or knock them down to the ground.)Sun, May 03, 2009 10:12:28
Re: One more time since you don't seem to take me at my word. "NO TORTURE"TellerSun, May 03, 2009 11:23:05
Again, for both of you: If, under the circumstances above (the 99% likelihood), President Obama was to approve torturing such a person to stop a bomb that would kill thousands, would you condemn him as evil? (NT)obitcheckerSun, May 03, 2009 1:29:15

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