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Date Posted: 13:54:02 10/07/02 Mon
Author: Unruleys Mun (Faith)
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Subject: ~*~The Lies... They Come Swiftly~*~
In reply to: Nightingale 's message, "-v- Bird of the Night -v-" on 13:38:47 10/04/02 Fri

(OOC: Read the message repling to Skajira it is a reply to both him and her 3 buds, LoL)

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[> [> [> ~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ šSpeaking of The Devilš -- Unruley & Satan, 15:54:14 10/14/02 Mon (

Fatale sighed heavily from the battle. Spite the recent battle to keep from once again conceiving a foal, she had unsuccesfuly kept herself from conceiving another foal, once lover Misery Decay (OOC: another Hellhorse, Norah plays him) who had met with insanity had raped her, the pregnancys of hellhorses went by swiftly and her slender barrel had slightly increased in weight, but hardly noticable still, and she had spoke of it to no one. She approached the allies she nodded dished cranium to Nightingale, "I wouldn't know how to thank you my friend, anything you ever need you shall rely on me to give it to you." She paused seeing the filly Black Follower how splendid she had grown to be, an evil grin smeered across her face, "And you couldn't possibly be the filly I once knew Black Follower...(seeing Black Mischeif) and Black Micheif, I thought I'd never see the two of you again."

Young steed followed his dam' yet optics followed the enemys out of the terrian. He had certainly changed being much more masculine and bold His lining had changed also, the dull gold of Hamunaptra a lower kingdom of Hell which now belonged to himself now, yet a stripe of bronze followed through the middle of it showing one of the princes of Hell. He turned to the group now catching sight of the filly dubbed Black Follower, she had changed grown like himself he couldn't have expected her to be small as she had been when they met, yet he kept silent his vocals spoke no words.

Fatale hadn't seen her sibling along the edge of the territory but now her scences felt the evil in the land, and knew she was there. Firey orbs searched for her, catching her sight she knew her half-sister had come in aid of her. She whickered out lowly to her.

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[> [> [> [> .| hell in your eyes -- Slave Dancer/Norah, 11:29:36 10/19/02 Sat (

..i see hell in your eyes..
..taken by surprise..

.| visage rolled in direction of dyrad's half sibling and ingression from the veil of shadows was made. moving across the terra firma with casual grace she halted apon reaching her destination.|.

.| viewing her sister with extreme caution, slave dancer made sure no mark had been placed on her bodice. sensing unruley's distraughtness over the foal and somewhat sensing the growing embryo tilted her head but said nothing on it. |.

.| femora's own barrel had returned to it's normal weight and roundness. slave dancer had finally given birth. dialouted nares flared crimson as she listened quietly to the other's speak. |.

..touching you makes me feel alive..
..touching you makes me die inside..

[ hey! sorry i haven't been too active lately. the chips inside my modem blew rendering me without the computer useless. but it's back meaning i'm back. i'm rambling aren't i? and i think i have a name for misery and unruley's unborn foal. .: shrug. :. i dun care, if we don't use it for this foal i'll use it for a different character. Slept So Long. ]

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[> [> [> [> [> +Together Forever(Of Love Not Lost)+ -- Black Follower & Black Mischief, 13:58:02 10/19/02 Sat (

The filly smiles. She looks at the colt she had once played with. She then looks at her "mother" Nightingale and nuzzles her. Her sides flaing with flames of hellion royalty she walks over to Satan and nuzzles him. Daring the colt to follow her she gallops of. She always had liked to play games.

The stallion smiles then nuzzles his love Nightingale. Then Unruley. He looks at Unruley curiosly but decides not to ask. He watches the filly gallop of he opens his mouth to tell remind her they were "grown" up but decides to let her have her fun after all what could go wrong? She wouldn't get pregenant or anything with Satan around.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> ~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ šSpeaking of The Devilš -- Unruley & Satan, 17:48:47 10/21/02 Mon (

Though the steed hadn't expected such a "physical" greeting. He jerked back dished head momentarily and watched her dissappear thinking weather or not he should go along with the game. Auds flicked forward watching her dissappear, nares flared anticipating then fore dagger took it's place before his being, and the rest seemed to follow as he took to a flaming gallop. He thought by now such a filly would outgrow the games, his cranium arisen he was a star gazer in his full-stride. "I thought by now you would have known you never win this foolishness." He laughed slightly as he cired the words out to her. Thundering forward daggers left behind deep smoldering prints with the force. Easily catching to the old friend tagged her pelt with mug and whirled in opposite direction stopping within eye-sight of the larger group. Bold figure turned angeling to watch her reaction. The evil grin seemed to be smeered across hell-raisers face.

Unruley excepted young femmora's greeting yet fear took it's place slightly receiving the gesture from the familar steed. Though she dare not show emotion through blank optics she never knew if accepting touch from the other gender would be so easy. Misery had been the shame of her life, she knew the flirtatious tempting with others would soon take it's dues and finally it had come with Misery's temporary insanity. Flashbacks flooded into fatales mind, shaking them from her thoughts by tossing crest. Realizing moving on must happen now, the steed would pay for the sin somewhere on down his road. She watched the way Mischeif tenderly touched Nightingale realizing the two had come together a slight grin came to facial, "I see thou hast finally found yourselves with each other, I had hoped the best for the two of you and it seems to have come." Unruley could only wish for such to happen for she knew Crimpson Flames was the only but he was gone as was everything else. She looked to her sibling now realizing she wasn't familar with the long time allies, "I'm sorry Dancer I hadn't realized you know not of my friends, I met Nightingale (mug goes in femme's direction) in a small spute long ago but turned to a friendship in the end, and the two others are Black Follower and Black Mischeif, Follower is a decendant of past royals, also long time allies."

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> ..open your hate and let it flow into me.. -- Slave Dancer, 16:33:26 10/22/02 Tue (

..open up your hate and let it flow into me..

..fatale barely gave an acknowledgement of the opposing equines, her mind lay elsewhere:unruley..

..with a steady gaze, slave dancer allowed her optics to glance over her bodice once more. well-trained eyesight was searching for any little deformation, weight-gain, even weight-loss..

..with a determined scanning she barely caught a glimpse of unruley's slightened weight gain. with that small hint, no matter how unlikely it was unrelated to her laid-back nature, slave dancer took it a bit seriously..

..with a throaty yet sisterly tone in her voice she spoke to unruley.my sister, may i speak with you in private?the hue and glint in her oculi proved that she was serious and that what she wanted to speak with her about was a serious matter..

..madness is the gift that has been given to me..

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> +Together Forever (Of Love Not Lost)+ -- Black Follower+ Mischief, 12:14:03 11/02/02 Sat (

+Jet black cranium raised in direction of her hellion friend the filly slowed down to a walk as fast as her hellion bones would let her. She smiled at her old frien d and said "Didn't you know I'd never outgrow a good run-away from the "parents"?" she laughed her evil laugh and then trotted to his side. She had remembered when her "mother" had told her of the love she had had for him but she shied away at the thought they were just friends anyway and thats all he wanted to be she knew. But she still enjoyed his breath close to her again. He was always warm to her she knew not of why though. She coughed and then lay down in a month or two she must be married of as her hellion gaurdians say. "You're to rambunctious. What good hellion man would marry an improper princess like you?" she spoke the words aloud and then embarrased a slight rosy color lifted to her cheeks then disappeared as she said "My gaurdians are always telling me that. I don't want to marry anone anyway." She laughed and then got up her smile faint she slowly walked over to the prince then fell again. She had been having trouble walking m=normally for about a week. She was overly stimulated as her gaurdians said. But she got up again and smelled the air. A look of terror shot threw her eyes and she quickly got behind Satan. She had smelled that of the Stallion Nexar. A goodie who refused to take no for an answer.+

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[> [> [> [> -v-Bird of the Night-v- -- Nightingale, 14:43:36 10/22/02 Tue (

Startled, Nightingale can only stand frozen in place for a moment, and then Unruley's comment snaps her out of it. Quickly jerking her dial away from the steed, she says tartly, "Think again, Unruley." Only one who knows her well would notice the faint scarlet tint to her pelt -- Nightingale's equivalent of a blush. And the same one who would notice it would also be supremely shocked -- Nightingale never shows any emotion of that sort! Turning to the new fatale, she nods briefly in greeting.

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[> [> [> [> [> ~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ -- Unruley, 17:13:40 10/22/02 Tue (

Fatale felt as if she had insulted the friend, she hadn't seen emotion particularly from Nightingale but from Mischeif, and thought the same would come from Nightingale, "Truely, pardon my mistake I took it the wrong way I had seen a different emotion from Mischeif and thought... Forgive me for the mistake." She now felt the stare and observation pouring from siblings optics, she turned looking not the least bit shocked she knew she couldn't hide it long, yet she had hoped her sister to be the last to find the truth. Unruley was deeply raged and hated the steed for the sin but he would pay later and that she was sure of. She turned to her and stepped only slightly closer to her, " I know my sister you would find the truth soon I only wished to tell you soon but of course I havn't had the time to, I can see the look in your orbs you know whats happened though not all of it. I'll take that offer for a private talk though. Excuse me Black Mischeif and Nightingale." She stepped aside and waited for her sibling to lead to the destination for the talk.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> ..open your hate.. -- Slave Dancer, 13:55:04 10/24/02 Thu (

..open up your hate and let it flow into me..

..with a concealed nod, slave dancer turned away and began leading her sibling to a secluded area..

..with the rage she held within at misery decay, her anger was targeted now more toward her sister. slave dancer had her reasons for the following harsh comments..

..alright, unruley. you have lived above hell for all of your life. hell is different when it comes to living as a princess. she paused briefly, trying to calm her movements and words so they didn't sound as bitter and disgusted..

..granted you are a royal line of hell, but it does not protect you from the horror of rape. though he does deserve to fall to his death in the most painful manner to ever be thought of, he did what any hellblooded steed would do. shifting uncomfortably the femora glanced up to see her sibling's reactions, but he comments were not done with..

..it is a terrible thing to say, but in hell mare's do not have authority over stallions. earth may be different in their customs of dealing with rape, but i do not know them for i have not lived on earth for any long period of time before this. and you have not lived in hell for a long period of time before this. but in hell, if the stallion is to be killed, the mare must do it. sires, friends, and families are not permitted to kill them. it is a tough time being a mare in any part of the universe, and i want you to kill whoever did it. rid him of hell of his shame and lack of sanity. rid hell of the bastard, he does not deserve to live. and the words i spoke moments ago are not meant to anger you, but meerly explain the ways of hell. it is unjust and hope that one ruler will change it, but is a diffacult process that grandfather has tried, but he did not receive authorization from the elders. slave dancer sighed heavily..

..thinking over her words, she hoped and prayed that unruley would not take her words as blaming her. unruley had certainly not deserved it, but nethier did any other mare of darkblood. rape to her was a punishment only given out to insolent heavenly..

..madness is the gift that has been given to me..

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> ~*~ The Lies..They Come Swiftly~*~ -- Unruley, 13:58:34 10/24/02 Thu (

Unruley solumnly followed her sibling, listening to every word with destiction yet her temper didn't take the words Dancer had ment them in, "I may not have been living in hell, long but you must think pure stupidity runs through my veins, for of course I know rape is the way of any hellion. It's happened more than this as you know to me it's nothing new! I know it tisn't the royal familys buisness to deal with him, but for I shall I plan on it scence he gave me those lustful looks. He'll have death come to him on swift feet but I plan on waiting until my fil..." She knew what the fawn was but hadn't ment to say it for most dams could tell of that correcting herself, "Until the foal is born before I do anything about it, in that way my powers shall be fully regained for death is only the beggining of what he shall receive." Scencing her sibling hadn't ment in anger she thought perhaps the last bit of the speech hadn't sounded so harsh but she had known how to deal with it from the very start.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ..open your hate.. -- Slave Dancer, 14:00:18 10/24/02 Thu (

..open up your hate and let it flow into me..

..a quick flash of enragement creased the fatale's rounded optics, and her words were spoken in a hushed and angered tone..

..no, stupidity does not run through your mind. but the lack of knowing the rules of hell does. and the rules of earth are non exsistent in my blood. dyrad's gaze suddenly shifted to the side..

..you seem to have forgotten that you are not the only one in the family that it has happened too. and i didn't have daddy there to save me the first time, you did so stop feeling sorry for yourself. her voice had shifted into pure bitterness, but then there was a small hint of hate. who the hate was toward, no one would ever know for it wasn't obvious..

..raven bodice turned abruptly to follow the gaze she had, and lithe legs elongnated into a walk. fear, and memories had caused her sudden attitude transformation. slave dancer then traveled fourthwards to find her offspring, she had faintly sensed them nearby..

..madness is the gift that has been given to me..

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ~*~The Lies..They Come Swiftly~*~ -- Unruley, 14:01:43 10/24/02 Thu (

Fatale saw the hate through siblings optics and her own hatred grew, as the embers of hell swirled in ashen orbs, "As to my concern there are no rules pon' this earth, I beleive I know of the laws of hell. As for me saying anything about me being the only to be raped in this family I beleive you placed those words pon' my tounge for I never said anything of the sort, Father might have been there for me and not for you but atleast I wouldn't whine about it as you do. I atleast am trying to forget it, and I thought your hatred for father had dissappeared about the matter. As the apology came from the two of you, I suppose once again you never ment it."
Sharp snort came from delicate nares of aggrivation, she turned away from Dancer now. This filly oncoming wasn't never wanted and never would be that she couldn't help. Yet she would love her when it came for t'was her offspring. Her limbs pressed forth as she began to head back for the group of her actual "allies". She called back to Dancer, "I'll return to those who actually care you don't have to hide anything my dear sweet sister for I'm sure you wouldn't be a member of the group."

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ..open your hate.. -- Slave Dancer, 14:03:52 10/24/02 Thu (

..open up your hate and let it flow into me..

..a halt was made at her sister's words. whining about it, is that what i do? huh? i killed him right after it happened. i took care of myself when it happened. all you did was cry,'daddy,dady, help me!' and everyone rushes to your side. you are a spoiled brat who knows nothing about hell or about living there. you hear the laws from a father who hasn't lived in hell for the last several years. sorry to break it to you sweetie, but you could never survive alone in hell. dyrad never turned around when she spoke to unruley, for her temperment was too unpredictable, exspecially with this subject..

..and i do not need you to have friends. i have friends of my own. this isn't a popularity contest, and like anyone who wins a popularity contest you are all talk. the natural viciousness was shining through. there was no emotion shown in her steps, her movements in any matter..

..there is reasons in why he raped you and maybe you should learn that the world does not revolve around you. and that there is always going to be a reaction, whether it's insanity or not. misery decay will not fall to your feet like a whimpering dog, he will not even fall to the likes of you. you are no different then any other mare in hell, unruley. you did nothing to earn respect, except get lucky to have a prince as a father. killing a few brinuckians in only several battles doesn't count hun, welcome to the real world. just because they bow doesn't mean the respect or like you, the only respect you give off is your lineage. and i earned my respect, dear sister. i didn't get appointed general for nothing, i fought and killed to get there. go back to humnaptra and leave the hellions alone for your prescense in hell will do of no good. it will only bring the followers of hell into a pit and that is why i left. so that i do not have to see the horror of my heritage go spiraling downwards because a princess is too weak to help. with those finally words she disappeared amoungst the shadows once more..

..madness is the gift that has been given to me..

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