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-*-Amused-*- -- Skajira, 13:57:53 10/09/02 Wed (
-*-With an amused expression the felequine stallion uses Omitir Extaziz to *blip* himself neatly out of the way, onto the ground a few feet away. Thus, if his attacker strikes anything with her dramatic attack, she strikes only the flesh of the friend she seeks to defend.
With a feline 'laugh', the black jaguar watches with amusement as the silly hell-pony flies away. You're not going to be able to defend your darling friend very well from up there, my dear. And it's not your blood I want. Turning away, he disappears for a brief *blip*.... reappearing with three unicorn mares, two young and matured, one just on the dawn of her adulthood. *Blip*ing off again, he then returns with a winged black jaguar.
His cruel yellow eyes observe the now-surrounded Unruley and her useless friend, above, as he grins. Ladies... he nods to the small army. If Unruley gets help... So do I. He briefly turns his gaze to Aiji. Your help would be very much appreciated, sweet lady.-*-
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~*~Patient / Warning~*~ -- Tashir / Tamilir / Safukir, 14:17:47 10/09/02 Wed (
~*~The just-barely mare felequorn appears, seeing the injured mare at which her sire is leering and immediately assesses the situation. Having never been in battle before, she remains to the side of the mare, from where her attacks are least likely to come, and bows down her head so that her long, deadly, black-and-white striped horn is ready to gore should she be told to charge. She is a pretty young mare, her still disproportionately long legs white with black zebra stripes, and the rest of her body white. Perhaps the most striking thing about her appearance is her stunning, brilliant cerulean eyes which appear to hold such innocence... and mask what lies beneath.~*~
~*~The rather older but by no means old felequorn mare adopts the same ready-to-battle pose as her niece, only on the opposite side, allowing Skajira to stand at the front. She is pure white, with a wild look about her that her twin sister, Safukir, does not possess in as great a quantity. Her black eyes are humorous but can be deadly and unforgiving.~*~
~*~The last of the three to make herself ready is the stunning Safukir. A pure ivory unicorn like her twin, her silken mane hangs perfectly and is tousled temptingly in the light breeze- ignoring her eyes, she is the picture of innocence, the ideal unicorn. But one glance at those cruel and haunting spheres shows her to be the temptress, the siren, the soul-crusher. She too inclines her sculptured head to ready the deadly horn.~*~
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-v- Bird of the Night -v- -- Nightingale, 14:28:23 10/09/02 Wed (
With a snicker she calls back, "Did you think I was intending to stay up here, fool?" Again she dives, with the same target. Better not to risk the horns. Again her onyx flints strike at Skajira, as he addresses the shapeshifter.
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Creature Of The Night -- Aiji, 14:30:15 10/09/02 Wed (
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~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ -- Unruley, 15:46:35 10/09/02 Wed (
Fatales blood boiling optics seemed to flood in fury, as reared, dragon like wings flared from rib cage, what a joke he thought of himself, a wicked ringing laughter rung forth from tighting vocals, her vision quickly came back now, ebonite alicorn pointed t'ward the cold earth beneth them , rearing, pon' taut haunches, of muscle, oynx fore daggers struck the atmosphere before her her rage boiled, he was obviously more than thought, but his mouth was bigger than his actions, "You fool, your words are bigger than the truth, you want a battle? Your sure as hell to get one now." She was appretative of the allies joining in yet she would handle the all talk steed herself. The atmosphere about her grew with the heat that the flaming hooves swated the air. She landed once again flaring wings with all force, small pin point needles flew forth from the air in all directions but carefuly seemed to have a mind of their own not hitting any being then suddenly as Unruley's silver lining grew of ebonite and gold the colors of her dams kingdom, they halted in mid-air, they seemed frozen for a split second suddenly all turned in aiming for focused enemy. Femmes fore limbs gave a hard pounding thud to the ground and pin missles shot t'wards Skajira and other enemys, they seemed to fill the air as they flew forth. The felines bite marks were unsuccesful as in finding the precious vein and quickly healed for high immortality. Her wings took her airborn as the smerk on her face danced with the demons of hell, lining of her figure exchanged back to originality, wings hovered her above the steed and joining mares, Wings slapped to her sides now, with a spinning nose dive deadly sharpened alicorn rushed forth as rushed into the group stabbing horn at all four, with her rush of laughter she spoke again, "I doubt your "Help" shall do thou any good." Swerving from ground she took herself to air once more, whirling kicking motion brought hind dagger in contact with cranium of Skajira. She swerved again bringing other hind to the assist Younger mare. Shooting in almost invisable speed landed beside Nightingale, Smolder rolled from delicate nares, as mouth began to widen a small ball of embers rolled inside a sudden hard breath brought the flamethrower forth, the embers were of huge size growing as it reached to the enemys. "You sure you want a little more of me, she laughed withdrawing the blazes." Snorting smoke puffed shortly from nostrols.
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-v- Bird of the Night -v- -- Nightingale, 16:38:42 10/09/02 Wed (
Mentally the mare is unaffected by the shapeshifter, although certainly the wing pains her. She slams sideways into a tree, hoping to crush Aiji against it with her weight. She permits her heavily-feathered wings to disappear as she strikes it, to keep them out of her way. Rapidly she falls, yet shoots out her wings -- injury or not -- to slow her fall. When she hits the ground, they disappear again. Twisting her head around, she grasps the flesh of her opponent in deadly ivories, biting hard. Quite suddenly she disappears, and appears a small distance away, which is where she is when Unruley comes. Her sweet voice rings out clearly, as she says, "Now we shall see."
OOC: She doesn't have batlike wings, Aiji's mun. Hers are birds' wings and very heavily feathered. They tend to go very well with the rest of her, she being a Friesian, as batlike wings would not.
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btw: -- Lizai, mun of Nightingale, 16:46:10 10/09/02 Wed (
Yes, she *can* do the disappearance trick. She's had it since before omitir extaziz was even created -- as I know, since I helped Chelle come up with it when Aswad got his by getting a Cassandra riddle right. [Ironically, the answer was 'Nightingale'.] Check Cendre d' Secrete to see that she had it when she fought Unruley and then check Thundaiyil to see when Aswad got omitir from The Cassandra, which was when omitir was created.
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Creature Of The Night -- Aiji, 18:19:24 10/09/02 Wed (
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