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Date Posted: 22:23:59 07/18/03 Fri
Author: Archonis
Subject: uSight Will Rob You Blind!

There us an infomercial that purports to help people create their own online business. On your TV screen; an attractive couple pull up in a red sports car, and tell you how they can help you to become financially independent, if you will just listen to them about how online businesses are the answer, and that if you attend a free seminar, they will tell you how they can help. They parade some lawyer interviewed in "Woman's World" magazine; people selling fishing lures; polish pottery; shipping containers for birds.... How about a travel business? All of these people found the way to success by setting up a web-business with "uSight Inc." So I decided to go check out the seminar. When I pulled up to the location, imagine my surprise when the sign at the hotel said: "Welcome Eccotax Seminar." I wondered if it was the right place, but it was. During the seminar, a salesman who could charm the brass off of a doorknob, starting telling us that for $495 dollars, plus $99 dollars software licensing, and for $59.95 a month, we could all have our own commercial website! And for $3,750 dollars we could set up a merchant's account where we could accept credit card billings, along with a host of other charges for tech. support and other junk we would have to pay. Supposedly the website we would get would be "easy-interface," no HTML knowledge needed. This guy was using NLP and high pressure sales tactics, so I was geting very skeptical. After I heard some really absurd lies such as; "subdomains are not listed in search engines," then I was really suspicious, along with their offer to list your site in 1500 search engines for $99 dollars. I was really getting critical, but did not want to be over-cynical, so I checked this "e-commerce website business" out on the Net. Boy, am I glad I did! In the first place I would like to recommend a site:


Just go to the "search section" of this site, and enter-in all of the "uSight" family of companies: USIGHT, EPENZIO, BRIDGEVIEW BANK, PENZPAY, and see what pops up. You have a litany of horror stories that you would not believe! You can read them for yourself, but after studying the complaints I think I have figured out what all these shill-companies really are: Fronts for a sophisticated bank fraud, check fraud, and credit card fraud operation. The scam goes like this: They hold seminars and then they charge a fortune for website business services and software, much of which seems not to work. Their servers hang in a webtrash wasteland and the business ventures they offer for sale to sell on your website also do not send what is purchased, and the franschise is worthless. People get few customers if any, and they can spend thousands of dollars for services and products that are never delivered. But here is where it really gets bad... Not only are people defrauded when they write checks to these crooks for worthless products and services, not only are their deposits never refunded when they purchase what they promised to, but on top of this, their bank accounts start getting debited without their permission, often by "Bridgeview Bank," whatever that is. When you imagine that each free seminar has around 100 people, 70% percent of whom have been conned and are writings checks for hundreds of dollars, and that all of these people are going to have their accounts debited without permission, and God knows when they will actually catch those debits; how much of their money will have been stolen, you are looking at a multi-million dollar fraud, as these seminars are held all over the USA and Canada. Also it has been reported that people who paid them with credit cards are getting phony credit card charges from shill companies that they never authorized. So these thieves are grabbing peoples checks, cash, debiting their credit cards and bank accounts without permission, and robbing people blind, for nonexistent and worthless services and products. I wonder how many people are going to be in the streets, or driven even to suicide by these crooked scumbags. On occasion though, sometimes somebody's "uSight" website will actually work, but they do not get customers for their products, or so they think... One man reported that he could not get into the "shopping cart" area of his website. He asked what was going on there, and "uSight" said it was "proprietary information." It could be that many of these website owners are not getting customers for their products, but "uSight" is. When somebody wants to buy something from a person's website, "uSight" hijacks the billing interface and steals the money the customer sends. Then the website owner thinks he has no customers and the customer does not end up getting the product theuy paid for. And the blame could go to the web-business owner, who does not know what is going on. Peachy, huh? In any event "uSight" and its family of shill companies and "cut-outs" should be avoided like the plague. Here is the ripoff-org's address:


727 North 1550 East, Suite 300

Orem, Utah 84097

And be sure to check out the above URL.

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