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Date Posted: 20:12:57 10/21/03 Tue
Author: Xiaelrohjanyeux
Subject: Blink?
In reply to: Lhall 's message, "Another crash." on 23:05:08 10/17/03 Fri

Xi turns at the first sound hse hears, though admittedly, the recognizable Sela is already quite close by that point. Hse lowers the fokahn before hse even reacts to the Sela's sudden prescence. However, even when hse does finally feel the urge to either fight or flee, the Zrruvan realizes that hse's simply too tired to perform either logical action. What Shiana meant, Xi was unsure, but the kindly nod would just have to be taken as an offer of friendship. Xi couldn't do much anyway, and hse honestly felt closer to this creature whose kindred he'd seen many a time during hes... captivity.. then this strange, and unknown planet. Xi limped over to the Sela and gave him a return nod. "K'game'tal eyn Kaix," A greeting from the Zrruvan culture, and offer of hello and goodwill traditionally used between differing Clans when they met.. but for now... it seemed appropriate.

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