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Date Posted: 21:44:29 10/21/03 Tue
Author: Lhall
Subject: Hmm...
In reply to: Xiaelrohjanyeux 's message, "Blink?" on 20:12:57 10/21/03 Tue

Danger seems distant as Lhall arches his neck and lowers his muzzle to get a better look at the young Zrruvan, cord-bound mane spilling down his powerful neck in silky sheets of snow-white purity, oddly untangled. Eyes of aged gold take in the alien's battered state and obviously shaky mindset, and the Sela nods to himself, leaf-obscured sunlight playing over his white-swirled hematite boneplate. While he's never seen nor met such a creature before, the tone of the voice serves to express the meaning of the alien phrase, and shapely ears flick forward as the male's eyes seem to smile. For a moment he considers speaking in the Jhee tongue, but as one whose culture holds a special place in his heart speaking to one who is obviously deeply scarred by hes captivity... to do such would be foolishness bordering cruelty.

The scent of water filters through the rich, almost overwhelming jungle air and Lhall lifts his sculpted muzzle to pinpoint its origin. A stream is nearby. An objective gaze flicks back to the Haze... and the Scholar nods to himself. Hse needs water, likely enough, and either way it couldn't hurt hem to drink. "Yenai." The simple word meaning 'peace' is emphasized by the honest, slightly concerned expression plain on the Sela's long muzzle as he nods in the direction of water. Trying to use body language rather than speech, which would likely be completely incomprehendable, Lhall takes a few graceful steps towards the source of the enticing scent, pauses, and glances at Xi.

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