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Date Posted: 18:09:41 03/23/02 Sat
Author: Willmina
Subject: Re: Replies to both
In reply to: Avidail 's message, "Re: Replies to both" on 12:45:48 03/23/02 Sat

The Weyrwoman returned Avidail's bow.
" Welcome to Minerva, Avidail.It would seem you are the Candidate the scroll last eve told us to expect. It also mentioned a bronzerider that might be joining us."
Either there was an eavesdropper or, more likely, it was seen from one of the upper-tier rooms. Since it was being mentioned, she knew it would be best to set them both straight with the truth.
"Yes there is a larger green-hued egg on the Sands. I've never seen anything like it before. My queen told me that it is a green. It would seem that it might hatch out to the size of a blue or possibly a small brown."
She watched the eyes of the two girls grow large. It would certainly be nearly as sought as the queen egg itself for any of the girls now here. They certainly outnumberd the boys by a large space.
Willmina turned to Brynn.
"As for breakfast, I think I spied some wherry/pork sausages on one of the shelves in the cold cellar. That might be nice with some eggs and fruit." She smiled at both of them as she certainly would have to all the Candidates had they all been assembled. At least the ones she'd seen helping in the kitchen.
"I must say that seldom have I seen Candidates so able in the kitchen as all of you seem to be. It is a nice change."

(OOC- If you folks want to go into the Rider's Weyrs board to see the Hatching Grounds, go ahead. Just don't happen into any rooms that are occupied.)

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