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Date Posted: 11:55:55 03/24/02 Sun
Author: Brynn
Subject: Smiles
In reply to: Willmina 's message, "Re: Replies to both" on 18:09:41 03/23/02 Sat

Before starting off to the kitchen to prepare the light breakfast, she responds to the Weyrwoman's comment. "I have been in a kitchen all my life and it seemed like the best of ideas to give you a hand with cooking. And also, once I saw the space and tools I had to work with, I couldn't resist," she says with a light grin. "But, here I am chattering away when there's food to be made. Count on your breakfast in, oh, twenty minutes or so. I'll try and make it faster then that, however, because I don't wish to keep you and the other riders waiting." With a quick smile she's off to the kitchens, Nien eager to get his breakfast as well.

She enters the kitchen to find the klah still set out and this reminds her of Avidail. She pokes her head out the doorway to see that the girl has already gone. "Guess she didn't want it that bad afterall," she says, smiling and giving Nien a few strokes before wandering into the cold room. She finds a bowl of scraps on one of the shelves and sets it out on a table for Nien to have his way with, then discovers the sausages spoken of, as well as some fruit which seems to be straight out of Nerat and some nice large wherry eggs.

Balancing the items in her arms, she closes the cold room door and walks back into the kitchen to find Nien already finished his breakfast and eager to help with the creation of the Weyr's. With a smile she places the food items on the table and gestures for Nien to come land on her forearm so she can speak to him directly. "Alright, Nien. See that hanging on the wall?" The little fire lizard turns his head to reguard the long wooden board. "That's called a cutting board. If you can manage, please fetch it for me while I go find a knife."

Nien chirps eagerly and takes flight to the wall, clutching the small string attached to the thin board and attempting to lift it off its hook. Brynn finds a suitable knife, then turns at the sound of a crash. Startled, she drops the knife on the table and turns to see Nien half-burried under the board. "Nien! I said if you can manage! Are you alright?" she inquires, pulling him free of the board and giving him a few reassuring strokes. He chirps in affirmation, straightening his wings and looking at her apologetically for dropping the board. "Oh it's alright you silly little dear. It's my fault; I should've known you were too small," she says, scratching his eye ridges in apology.

Nien now content to just watch, he scuffles up to her shoulder as she takes hold of the cutting board and brings it back to the table. She picks up the knife she had dropped, selects a few of the plumpest fruits, and deftly slices them while Nien watches the knife blade flash in amazement. In a few minutes, she has them all cut and in a large bowl. Worried that the weyrmen and women were getting bored with waiting, she sends Nien out to find Dajan and see if he'll help distribute the fruit.

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