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Date Posted: 15:47:56 06/10/02 Mon
Author: Doug
Subject: Re: The Holy Spirit
In reply to: David 's message, "Re: The Holy Spirit" on 09:31:57 06/10/02 Mon

Hi David,

You said,"you guys have not seen what the Holy Spirit can do."

And, neither have you! Tell me, where is the promise that the Holy Spirit would do miraculous things today? Where is the promise that the Holy Spirit would heal some and not others? After all, He is no respector of persons, right? Where is the promise that the Holy Spirit would work miraculous signs and wonders that had no relationship to the Word of God? Where is the promise that the Holy Spirit would heal people without ever letting them know the way of salvation?

Simply because you may not be able to "explain" things does not automatically mean it is the work of the Holy Spirit or that it is even miraculous. If a person has to wonder about it, then it certainly is not a miracle.

I do agree that God works in providence today but that is the means by which He works. I suppose the blood that flows from the statue of ST. Maria, which no one can explain, is a work of the Holy Spirit? How far will you go in your dermination to accept miracles? You mentioned that God had intervened on behalf of your prayer. If indeed He did, then why are you claiming it is the Holy Spirit? Who intervened, the Holy Spirit, the Father, or Jesus? Did all three? Why are you so adament that it was the Holy Spirit? Can you provide the proof? Anyone can take their subjective feelings or even things they can't explain and say it was God or some other member of the Godhead, but they would only be offering their subjective feelings without anything obejective. The miracles of the first century belong to the first century! We are told that miracles were done for a specific reason, not just because! Miracles were for confirming the Word of God - to show the authenticity of their message - that it was from God (Mark 16:17-20; Heb.2:1-4). We now have the word confirmed for us. It has been confirmed and it is the Word of God that makes us complete today (2 Tim.3:16-17). The Holy Spirit Himself tells us the Word makes us complete. If it doesn't, then did the Holy Spirit get it wrong?


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