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Sun Kissed Beach

Sun Kissed Beach

~*Paradise Under Fire*~

The beach has not changed, the tides still cycle through their phases, unperturbed by the disturbances around them. The sand still sparkles under the glaring light of the watchful sun as the palm fronds wave gently in the embrace of a light breeze. But something was definitely wrong. No birds sang in the lush forest surrounding this little slice of heaven. There were no joyful nickers of contented horses grazing on the lush grassland leading into the beach. No foals frolicked in the foam of the rushing waves. It had all changed, the serenity stripped away by the brutality of war. The battle had begun. Slowly but steadily, the ranks of the armies began to arrive. Faces devoid of happiness but touched by hope gather to face their enemies in order to preserve their way of life. Courage and loyalty had brought them here, as well as a desire to protect that which they held most dear. Only time would reveal the result of this battle, only the victors would see the next sunrise.
~*Will you Fight?*~

Lead Mare:

Back-up mare: Notorious Reputation
Back-up stallion: Position not filled

Beta Mare: Open
Beta Stallion:

Gamma Mare: Open
Gamma Stallion: Open

Delta Mare: Open
Delta Stallion: Open

Epsilon Stallion: Open
Epsilon Mare: Open

Zeta Stallion: Open
Zeta Mare: Open

Theta Stallion: Open
Theta Mare: Open


Thunder Storm

None now

Crystal Storm


Euphoria & Zackari

Excused Absence

I did a minor update. It seems that we've lost a few more members. Let's get out there and invite more horses! Below are some links to various CM pages. If anyone has names to go on the herd list, please let me (Carrie) know so I can put them up. Thanks! (AIM: BelleCKM, email: BelleCKM@aol.com)

Paradise Isle -- Hexed & Takara
Sneak board
Dark Evergreens -- Firelight & Nosferatu
Hopeful Hideout (Light foals only)

  • .[.Infamous.]. .:Only the beginning:. -- Notorious Reputation & Genesis, 05/ 3/04 6:05pm
    A glimmering flash of gold followed closely by a creamy white blur was all that could initially be seen of the duo as they emerged on the sandy beach. The palomino's paper-thin nares flared and a look close to rapture crossed her Arabic features. She was home at last. A resounding bugle issued forth from between dusky labrums, calling to those she had left behind. To Euphoria and Mystical Dream, and Rogue, whoever happened to be around. Had she been missed? Had any even noticed her disappearance? Ah well, time would tell.

    .:Liquid chocolate eyes peered out from beneath a fringe of mahogany locks. The moon-washed yearling had never been here before, even though her mother had called this beach home for many, many years. Her birth and the subsequent days had been spent languishing in Dark Evergreens, held captive along with her golden mother. Soulful orbs kept careful watch as her mother announced her arrival. Who was she expecting to arrive? No telling, but Gen would greet whoever came their way. After all, this was her true home, right?:.

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  • NOTICE FOR NOTORIOUS REPUTATION -- Strike3's player, sera, 05/23/04 2:04pm
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  • ~*The ones who are right have to be strong.*~ -- Crystal Storm, 04/21/04 4:52pm
    ~She smiles~ Okay let go. I will play some music. Give me a tune and i shall play.

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  • [cast.me.away] -- Castaway, 05/15/04 9:52am
    [the stallion waltzes in, barely recognizable. when he'd left, he had been an aging, grandfather-like character, gray hairs shooting through his pelt. only one of his many scars remained, the long gash he had received in a battle fought at here, at Cascade Mountains. the loss of his battle scars was slightly saddening, but he took it all in stride. now, his terra cotta hide was shiny and without a trace of gray otherwise, the muscles beneath well formed and lean. he was the picture of a stallion in his prime, and he felt like it, too. he lets out a whinny, a sound that had remained the same though his transformation made him so much different. Castaway had returned.. but who would recognize him?]

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  • Everyone >> -- Carrie, 05/ 4/04 1:37pm
    I'll be out of town from early EARLY Thursday morning til probably late Sunday night. That means don't expect any posts coming from me during that time. Sowwies, but a girl's gotta have a vacation at some point!

    Those affected:
    Notorious Reputation

    Got problems? Find a sneak? Tell Euphoria. Please keep up the activity and positions will be awarded upon my return.

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  • Euphoria/Carrie >< -- Zack/Jen, 04/25/04 5:37pm
    I have an issue relating to Zack...

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  • Can Destiny Falls be put up again? -- Yuke, 04/22/04 3:02pm
    I'm trying to get it active!! I promise!!

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  • Absence-- -- Linz/Euphy, 04/22/04 12:56pm
    Hey Guys! RL is being a major pain in my rear lately, thus the lack of posting. I hope to be active again after next Thursday. I'll see you all then!

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  • ~*The song of the star enchants my heart*~ -- Crystal Storm, 04/ 6/04 6:08pm
    ~As she gathers the funky shells onto her leaf, she makes sure that their is nothing inside them. As she collects all of the shells she need she trots off to her secret place, where their are beautiful gems.~

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  • Honey, I'm home! -- Zackari, 03/30/04 5:19pm
    *Shaking the dust off his weathered hide, his expression immediately brightened as he searched for his love.*

    Yoo-hoo! Anyone home?

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  • One slow step after the other -- IrritatedAngel, 03/27/04 2:47am
    Tiredness has brought her home finally. No longer the effortless glide across the sands but still her coat sparkles reflecting the sun as does the sand. As hooves move across the dampened beach visually relaxes home has never felt so good.

    Pausing to look about her curious if any that were here remain.

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  • ~*Enters*~ -- ~*Dreamcatcher*~, 04/14/04 6:38pm

    ~*Mocha pools scan the terrain as she dances on slender poles. Gleaming pelt bathes in the warmth of the sunlight, muscles rippling. Paper-thin nares flare and take in the scent of the new land. Auditives flick forward and back, monitoring the sounds. Dark nails dig into the soft sand, dished dial bobbing. Soft tresses sweep arched neck gently, banner billows with the wind and brushes white hocks. Poles stop, vix snorts gently. Dial tipped downwards, vix stands, waiting*~

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  • A New Home....Beauty in the water -- Breeze, 04/13/04 7:35am
    **The Vix stood before the beach snow white locks falling before her ocean-blue orbs. As she made her way down to the waves, allowing them to touch her hooves. Her name was Breeze, she was pure and loyal. though very mysterious. Being a beauty like none other, those in her old home banished her as a filly in fear of what power she might posess. So she came here, in short to find a home, and a mate**

    *A small splash came from the waves as the grace of her step went deeper into the ocean, those orbs focusing around her. She let out a soft whinnie like that of a dream, and awaited to see if any would come**

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  • <3entrance<3 -- Strike3, 03/19/04 6:13am
    <3 Strike3 entered the quiet beach, marvelling in its beauty. She looked about for someone to introduce herself to. <3

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  • []...[]...O.n.e...s.o.n.g...f.o.r...t.h.e...o.n.e...I...l.o.v.e...[]...[] -- []...H.i.g.h.l.a.n.d...H.a.r.m.o.n.y...[], 03/23/04 2:29pm
    []...Young mare gallops into the Territory at highspeed.
    She was looking for someone. Someone who she'd loved like a father and she couldn't leave him forever...she had been gone so long..He wouldn't remember her...[]

    He will remember...He loved me!

    []...Her shrill voice called out...[]


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  • A message for ALL; a night of charm awaits you [EVERYONE] -- To you with Love, 03/24/04 12:27pm

    To you with Love, the Mythical White Queen of the Lights, stood facing the territory before her. She did not care whom or what they were, what side they fought for, she had news to bring to all of them. Her strong, sapphire gaze caught hold of the territories leaders and gracefully she bowed, her white angelic wings spread beside her as a white gown. A radiant smile graced her features, her white bodice gleaming in the moonlight. She looked around at the surrounding area, taking it all in, the sweet scent of the air, the feel of the grassy blades under her diamond hooves. With a quick close of her eyes, she breathed in a taste of the air around her and began.

    Everyone! Come here! Gather, for I have news to bring to you.

    Her voice reverberated off the trees and clouds of the sky. She called everyone, and her voice would be heard. The voice she spoke with was sweet, tracing patterns of beauty and majesty around the grasslands. Branches reached towards her to grab ahold of her power. A white aura pulsated around her as she continued speaking.

    A ball, a masquerade, will be held in the Light Mythical Area. We welcome any and all as long as they have a mask with them. How long this will go on depends on you all! Please, come to the Glorys Masquerade and dance to your hearts content!

    With another smile, she disappeared. Fading back into the serene light of the sun which poured down upon her.

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  • Activity Check time! -- Carrie, 03/20/04 7:32pm
    Okay everybody, here's the deal. We all know about (and loathe) activity checks but they are a necessary evil. Here's what I need:

    Mate (?)
    Children (?)
    Lineage (?) meaning parents, grandparents, as far back as you wish to trace it.
    Any miscellaneous info you wish to divulge.

    The plan is to set up member info pages for each resident sometime in the near future. This activity check will run until Wednesday, March 24 at which time I will be updating the board, removing inactive members, handing out positions, and general admin duties.

    Again, Wednesday, March 24, 2004 is the cutoff date for the activity check. Email me with questions.

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  • Gone from Tuesday until Saturday. -- Zackari, 03/22/04 2:59pm
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  • ~*Return*~ -- Euphoria, 03/17/04 2:53pm
    The visit to Takara had been a much-needed one, but Euphy had desperately missed her home. Her ebonite hooves tore into the soft sands with wild abandon, flinging the grains in her wake. Her wild dash along the beach was accompanied by the rolling waves, the foam forcing her to shy away from the water's edge only to return to play the game again. Flaxen strands were tossed in happiness, the mare eagerly seizing this precious moment before the harsh reality of life caught her once more in its grasp.

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