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Date Posted: 18:28:21 04/29/02 Mon
Author: John R. Beatty PTA President & Vice President
Subject: Re: E-Script Monies
In reply to: Daffodil 91 's message, "E-Script Monies" on 18:57:33 04/24/02 Wed

Hi everyone,
We apologize that PTA did not have the volunteer man-power to keep the PTA membership up to date as we would have liked to. Last year we had a wonderful Communications Coordinator, Theresa, who successfully volunteered her time to produce a newsletter every month and supplied this kind of information. Unfortunately, many of the PTA members have had to go to work on a full time basis cutting short their volunteer time. We have done the best that we can do under the circumstances.

In addition, please understand that this information has been available to anyone who wanted it. All they had to do was ask. The PTA budget would be supplied to anyone who asked for it.

Referencing the Escript program, although our Escript members are currently averaging $1200 a month collectively, we do not receive the funds until 3 to 4 months after funds have accrued.

This Escript money would then be used for school equipment, field trips, library books, software etc... items that exceed the Clark County School District budget. How great is that! A lot of people shop at Von's and to have a percentage of your food bill donated back to the school is a perfect solution to fundraising.

John Beatty's PTA has a budget mostly from the Cookie Dough Sales this year - not Escript - that has allowed us to purchase: $2,500 in Leveled Reading Rigby Books; $3,000 for a school sign (another $2,000 upon completion); cookies, juice & pizza for our Blood Drive which will save 95 lives (and many premature baby lives too); pizza for parents who volunteered during picture day; field trips; scholarship money for a Spanish workshop and money for the Science workshop to help children attend these programs who couldn't afford it; D.A.R.E. t-shirts for the 5th graders; a new podium for the multi-purpose room; food, prizes and supplies for our 2 school carnivals; food and gifts for the entire week for Teacher Appreciation Week; Pizza parties for classes who turn in the most Box Tops; toys and clothing for the Giving Holiday Tree recipients; Retirement party cake & goodies for Mrs. Hooper's retirement party; books for the 1st grade classrooms; sponsored the librarians author visit, Jacqueline Briggs Martin's Snowflake Bentley; donated $2,500 to help purchase library software, encyclopedias and additional library books; Field Day popsickles and LOTS of water for all the helpers, children & sunscreen too!

We, the P.T.A., are continuing to help out our school because we love our school - and our children most of all. Thank you to all those parents who CARE about our school and who have stepped up to the plate to make all of the above activities HAPPEN.

I am sorry that the messages posted on this site are tainted with negativity and not proactive... I encourage you to make a positive difference in your child's school career and volunteer your time. Elementary level children are precious and have so much to learn... be a part of their happy memories, be a part of their developmental lives...

I also encourage everyone to join our Escript program! Call the school office: 799-5700 and leave your phone number. We will be happy to register you over the phone :)

PTA President & Vice President

PS - Referencing the newsletter idea from ms. mod - we would be more than happy to have a volunteer to come in and help us write a monthy newsletter.

And Ms. Daffodil 91, we do poll our PTA membership on large item purchases. At this time, we have not had to make large purchases to vote on...field trip money, scholarship money, equipment etc.. arises daily and to have the entire PTA Membership vote on it is realistic... however, please feel free to join the PTA next year and be instrumental in voting on how some of the funds are spent. Believe me, we can use happy people who care about our school and the children on our board - All others need not apply.

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