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Date Posted: 17:07:35 04/30/02 Tue
Author: VP John R. Beatty PTA
Subject: Some PTA answers
In reply to: mod 's message, "PTA P.S." on 00:55:04 04/30/02 Tue

Quickly, because I don't have a lot of time:

The sign was voted on by the very few of the membership who showed up to a general meeting last year.

PTA is not made up only of the board. However, with few exceptions, a large portion of the work does have to be done by the board. You would be surprised at the small response to our requests for help. It is usually the same few people. Also, even when people respond, when we call them for the actual help, we do not get a lot of help. Thank you to all who do help, you are all greatly appreciated.

Our Escrip program could be more successful, if parents (adults only) would like to volunteer to sit down at the Vons on shifts and get people to register. Aside from the Open house registration, our attempts at getting additional peoples registered have been almost fruitless.

Many items which are requested from PTA come up quickly and there isn't time to have a General Meeting. While it would be ideal to have the membership vote on everything, under the circumstances it is not realistic. That is unless we have people out there that are willing to come forward and plan, orgranize and implement each of the meetings. Even then it is not always time effective.

Pizza is not supplied at all events, but more so when the volunteers will be detained for an extended period time which overlaps a meal time. We get our pizzas from Pizza Shak, who has arranged a special price for John R. Beatty.

We don't assume that people looking at this site don't volunteer. We hope that everyone does and cheerfully.

I for one, did not understand all the time and effort that is required by the board to make things successful, that is, until I became a member of the board. I now realize all the effort that goes into each event, etc. I took the former PTA Boards for granted. I thought making myself available when they asked was enough. I understand now, that is not enough. The PTA Board, no matter who it is, needs people coming in daily and calling to ask what they can do to help. I praise prevous PTA Boards for their success and future ones too, as I know what they are up against. I try to focus on the successes of all volunteers and not on the few times, when things haven't gone as planned. This is a volunteer position.

I believe that my children have gotten a great education from John R. Beatty. Are there challenges along the way? A few, but nothing that cannot be handled by my communication upfront with others. On a whole, John R. Beatty has been a great place for my children to learn, and I wouldn't send them anywhere else, even if I could.

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