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Date Posted: 20:03:16 05/04/04 Tue
Author: frank aziza
Subject: Re: "Ray's last days" Correction...
In reply to: Me again 's message, ""Ray's last days" Correction..." on 21:05:24 04/25/04 Sun

Hello Everyone,

sorry I haven't been here in a while.

lets see, ray was a zeppelin head and always remained one. although in 1978 when he started playing in a cover band with my brother. He got turned onto music that would be his major influences for life. They were Glenn Hughes, David Coverdale and Ronnie james Dio.

There's a classic story of me and my brother driving to a party and we see ray outside the house talking. My brother called him over and made him listen to an 8 track tape we had of deep purple the california jam. It was glenn Hughes singing solo during smoke on the water. That changed ray forever. From That moment on he listened and learned from Deep purple with the Coverdale/Hughes line-up and the early rainbow Albums with Ronnie james Dio.

I remember one gig they were doing lady of the lake by rainbow, one part in the last verse ronnie hits a D...all day long ray kept telling me he was gonna hit that D. he never did hit it that night, but as we all know, he went on to hit many D's in his life.

He also started listening to alot of paul rodgers from the Free albums. He loved Free live. great album.

he did like movies, I remember one night in 1989 at his apartment in NYC we were discussing movies with his girlfriend and my girlfriend. the movie beaches was meantioned and both our girlfriends laughed at Ray and I admited we always cry when that movie comes on. The theme song wind beneath my wings made us both cry. Till this day it is still hard for me to hear that song.

I think Blu mentioned rays eyes...Yes, there was something very magical about them. ray had a very rare quality about him. Everywhere he went, everyone wanted to be near him. Kind of like a jesus quality, it was very strange. NO, i am not comparing ray to Jesus..Just an example.

Cindy, you are asking alot about his death...I appreciate and I'm sure rays family will appreciate your interest and love for ray. But does it really matter about the details of his death? ray didn't want any of his friends to see him sick at the end, he wanted us to remember him young, healthy and full of life. I do know that after he said his last words to his mom, he smiled..then passed on.

the only thing that ray was very annoying about, was keeping his music. It's so frustrating...he had none of his own music in his possesion. he would give you the tape when it was done if you bothered him to remember it. I always got most of everything from him...except the Blue Murder demos.. I still never heard them and wont rest untill I do.

If you wanna hear some of rays favorite singing songs get the Butterfly ball. ray used to make me make him a copy of it atleast every 2 years. Not the whole album just these songs if anyone is interested. Get Ready....Behind a Smile...Sitting in a Dream....Love is All..Watch out for the Bat.. and Homeward. these song had a big influence on him. He sang these songs to practice alot. They were very special songs to him.

Well, good to help answer things you may wanna know that i can help with. feel free to e-mail me if anyone wants.

Frank Aziza

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