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Subject: /:\Suicide Solution/:\+If You Ain't Gonna Shoot it, Don't Point it+

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Date Posted: 14:10:28 09/19/03 Fri
In reply to: Drag Time 's message, "\_/The Way You Are\_/" on 13:14:19 09/19/03 Fri

/:\He shakes his head, this causing the pain to increase a little though it was ignored/:\ "You love them...I can tell that. It would break you to leave them in the dust and I can't ask you to do that. But the children in this house don't deserve the stress levels that have been around lately. Something has to be done, I just...I just don't know what." /:\Dark brown eyes shift to her at her words of going away./:\ "No." /:\Firmly stated./:\ "Don't even talk about it. Don't think it. You're not going anywhere, and damn sure not to save me. You'll go only if you don't want to be here with me. You won't be saving anyone by running away." /:\He'd learned that a few months ago, before the fatal bullet./:\ "It's hard to enjoy life, Shania, when those two are disrupting it." /:\He states on her earlier comment. If things kept up...he would be the one that left, and not of his own free will. Death would conquer, if not stopped./:\

+His jaw tensens, and shock absorbes his muscled frame.+ "If not you..than who did bring him back? God, what the hell is going on?" +He moves to the liquor cabnit, biting off a snort of bourbon and replacing it. Something to clear his head a little, let him think.+ "It's been getting worse. The pain, I mean. We need to find out what's going on."

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^I'm Gonna Get Ya Good^Shania16:09:46 09/19/03 Fri

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