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Subject: ^I'm Gonna Get Ya Good^

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Date Posted: 16:09:46 09/19/03 Fri
In reply to: Freb+Tumbler 's message, "/:\Suicide Solution/:\+If You Ain't Gonna Shoot it, Don't Point it+" on 14:10:28 09/19/03 Fri

^She winced as he shook his head, knowing the pain hurt him deeply. But blue orbs did slant as she spoke^ 'There is more then one type of love Freb, and my love for them will never again replace the love I have for you. For this family of friends.' ^His words about paining the children cut her deep always having had a soft spot for kids more so then adults^ 'Don't you think I know that? Don't you think I can see the pain that you are in, Stan, Sphinx, hell Angelina all but looked ready to fall over dead at the club.' ^Runs a hand through her hair suddenly heels dug into the gravel as she frowned deep in thought^ 'I'm sure they'll leave us alone, I mean they have more important things to worry about besides me. I was always entertainment...company when things were boring.' ^Okay so no she was degrading herself, but he'd pissed her off...no rather he'd wounded her pride, something that had happend often this week. As he told her not to run aways she spoke^ 'If I can't leave this haunted place, you sure can't...I won't let you.' ^Childish, but it was what she felt^

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/:\Suicide Solution/:\+If You Ain't Gonna Shoot it, Don't Point it+Freb18:03:40 09/19/03 Fri

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