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Date Posted: 21:50:46 05/01/06 Mon
Author: Deborah
Subject: Maybe a greater compliment to sing it as written!
In reply to: Jean 's message, "english" on 06:44:36 05/01/06 Mon

Of course it is sung in English...but it could also be sung in so many other languages.

Absolutely. But it wasn't written in other languages and has not been translated as such by the proverbial We The People of The United States of America.

When we teach our children about other lands(geography) we might go over that nations National Anthem. Do our children have to learn the language of that nation or will we get a copy of it in english?

Learning other countries' traditions and any anthems through translation seems somewhat different. Our schools that once historically taught in English were educating students on customs across the globe (be it anthems or otherwise) in English not for the purpose or intent of translation. The news about our National anthem is for it being translated for the purpose of being sung by those in this country, within the context of discussions on immigration (i.e., those desirous of being here as American citizens).

I just figure if the Bible and Book of Mormon can be in different languages then there is nothing wrong with other peoples singing our national anthem in their own voices.

Yes, the church may be seen as wanting to Americanize others via religion with a gospel begun about the Americas. But the translations you speak of are largely used for the purpose of converting citizens of other countries, within their own country of citizenship, who intend remaining in the country of origin. Maybe I'm wrong on this one--I don't know. At any rate, that's been my understanding.

It should be a compilment that they would even want to.

A greater compliment, still, to sing it as written, IMO.

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