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Subject: we need to ban all guns!!

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Date Posted: 13:29:41 11/07/00 Tue
In reply to: James 's message, "The ATF" on 22:37:26 11/06/00 Mon

again I disagree. We need to get rid of all guns in America. Guns have killed too many people! The drug dealers all have guns and we need to get them off the streets! All guns are bad and we need to stop them! If we got rid of guns we will lower crime!!

> What does the ATF do? Basically it runs around and
> shoots people that the Attorny General tells them too.
> There is not need for the ATF. The states can all
> regulate Alcohol, firearms and tobacco according to
> their own will. People should be allowed to have
> assult weapons if they so choose. Now if they kill
> sombody with those weapons then that is a whole other
> crime. But owning an assult weapon should not be a
> crime.
> The only reason these millitia groups form isbecause
> of the government infringing on the rights that were
> granted the people and the states by the constitution.
> The constitution strictly says we havew the right to
> bear arms, but no where does it say the Feds have the
> right to regulate firearms, alcohol or tobacco. Owning
> a gun should not be a crime, what you do with that gun
> is your responsibility, if a person commits crimes
> with guns then they should be punished severely for
> those crimes. But why do people carry guns and commit
> crimes with them today? Well usually it's because
> they're drug dealers and they need to protect their
> turf. That goes back to legalizing drugs.
> And if a potential criminal knew that although they
> might have an assult riffle, but the other guy might
> have one too, then that in itself might be a deterrant.
> Check this out. In the town of Kennasaw GA, it is
> ILLEGAL to NOT OWN A GUN!!! result? Crime in
> non-existant...

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Subject Author Date
Re: we need to ban all guns!!fate_77713:41:38 11/07/00 Tue
Donny, you dumbass.Terry07:50:23 11/08/00 Wed
Re: we need to ban all guns!!CS04:08:02 01/06/02 Sun
Re: we need to ban all guns!!Patrick01:25:10 12/21/02 Sat
Re: we need to ban all guns!!Bugs Bunny14:57:26 03/02/04 Tue
Re: we need to ban all guns!!Bugs Bunny14:59:02 03/02/04 Tue
We need to legalize gunsDaffy Duck14:57:37 03/03/04 Wed
We need to legalize gunsDaffy Duck14:59:15 03/03/04 Wed
legalizing guns (NT)Spongebob square pants14:45:06 03/05/04 Fri
Legalizing gunsSpongebob square pants14:48:14 03/05/04 Fri
Re: we need to ban all guns!!Shaun Erickson10:20:22 03/22/04 Mon
Re: we need to ban all guns!!sam smith21:37:16 03/29/04 Mon
Re: we need to ban all guns!!sam smith21:37:16 03/29/04 Mon
Re: we need to ban all guns!!Shane00:31:10 08/26/04 Thu

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