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Subject: Scotsman article

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Date Posted: 05:01:56 11/18/04 Thu

I found this on the Scotsman website. I hadn't heard anything about it before now - wanted to share it in case I'm not the only one who missed this.


Former Bay City Rollers manager suffers stroke


CONTROVERSIAL pop impresario Tam Paton was last night in hospital after suffering a stroke.

The man who made millions as manager of 1970s Scots super band the Bay City Rollers was expected to remain in Edinburgh’s Western General Hospital for at least five days after the stroke, which has caused paralysis down his left side.

Paton’s long-term partner, Ray Cotter, said doctors expected his recovery to be slow.

Cotter, 43, blamed the stroke on stress over on-going court action. On his way to hospital, Cotter said, the 66-year-old had referred to the legal action and to allegations made last year that he had tried to rape former Rollers’ guitarist Pat McGlynn in the late 1970s.

Paton was taken into hospital by ambulance late on Friday night after taking ill at his Gogarburn home.

Paton was apparently referring to allegations made to police last year by McGlynn and former band mate Les McKeown, that he had attempted to rape McGlynn in a hotel.

Cotter added the former Bay City Rollers manager had been under immense stress recently. He has found himself embroiled in a legal row over the way the courts dealt with a fine he was given after admitting supplying cannabis earlier this year.

"He’s been left completely exhausted and I believe [the stroke] has been caused by stress," said Cotter.

Paton appeared at the Appeal Court in Edinburgh last week to hear the Crown appeal against the sentence he was given on April 30 when he was fined £200,000 after he pleaded guilty to two charges of supplying the drug.

Prosecutors say the sum he fined was "not inappropriate", but they claim, as a point of law, Paton should not have been ordered to pay the money before they had been given time to go through his financial records in search of possible profits from drug dealing.

During the original trial Paton, who has suffered two cardiac arrests in recent years, had to be taken to hospital by ambulance after collapsing in court due to his heart problems.

The son of a potato merchant, Paton, who was born in Prestonpans, acquired fame and fortune as manager of the Bay City Rollers during their heyday in the 1970s when the band sold 70 million records worldwide.

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